Sunday, May 31, 2015

Theistic Tactics Illustrated

I compiled the following explanation in response to a comment on an atheist community: ""angry atheists" thing that is so heavily associated with us"

Incoming missiles!

Labeling us as "angry" is part of the theists' campaign. This is how I see the strategy over time:

1) Losing the “argument”, theists screech about "militant" atheists, vilifying Dawkins particularly.

2) Knowing that atheists tend to despise obdurate ignorance and react to specific triggers, theist trolls (dimwits who love to cause trouble) deliberately incite ire—making atheists angry.

3) Hypocritically ignoring their own tactics, theists whine ad nauseam about both “militant atheists” and “angry atheists”.

4) Atheists begin to tell other atheists to behave.

5) Theists pose as atheists to add their “atheistic” criticism to the complaint.

6) “Atheists” and atheists tell other atheists to behave.

7) Theists join atheist communities to post inflammatory questions that are guaranteed to invite differences of atheistic opinion. (The theists rarely participate in the subsequent discussion.)

8) “Atheists” and atheists tell other atheists to behave.

9) Theists who have joined atheist communities make posts whining about “angry atheists”.

10) “Atheists” and atheists tell other atheists to behave.

11) Ultimately, atheists need no prompting to whine about “angry atheists”.