
I am human, so I have a sense of purpose. As an atheist, liberal, humanist, etc, I want to make my miniscule contribution to promotion of those values that I consider most likely to benefit life on this planet.

Aware that the internet has shortened attention spans, I currently intend to keep posts short by interlinking them. Any who blunder onto a post and want to know more can clink on links for an expanded internal or external explanation. The Navigation pages will provide a site map.

Wēnaþ þā dysiġan þæt ǣlċ mann sīe blind swā hīe sind, and þæt nān mann ne mæġe ġesēon þæt hīe gesēon ne magon. ~ c. 900, the Old English Boethius

Fools think everyone is as blind as they are, and that no one can see what they cannot.

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