Friday, May 25, 2018

Dimbo outmaneuvered again

"I gotta say, it was very clever of Nancy Pelosi to steal Dimbo's strawberries, pushing him over the edge into self-evident lunacy.

As everyone knows, Infant-in-Chief stormed out of a meeting on infrastructure, apparently out of uncontrollable rage over Pelosi’s remarks pointing out that the administration’s stonewalling on all fronts, including raw defiance of the law requiring that it provide the UNpresident’s [crime-revealing] tax returns, obviously amount to a coverup of something (and maybe multiple things.) And Democrats should be grateful.

And I don’t just mean that they should be grateful to see Idiot-in-Chief displaying his unfitness for office, which has long been clear to close observers, in such a dramatically unhinged way that only cultists can fail to see it. He’s also helped them with a political dilemma.

You see, a major infrastructure push is a very good idea, one that Democrats would find it hard to oppose in good conscience. Yet it would also be politically good for Incompetent-in-Chief, helping the economy, giving the public a sense of progress, and also making him seem more like a normal president.
Let’s not try to pretend that there was any clever political strategy in Puppet-in-Chief’s walkout; it was just his immaturity and insecurity, but even more obvious than usual. And the attempt to portray Pelosi as out of control is so ludicrous that only totally deluded people – i.e., around a third of the country – could possibly believe it."