Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Taking French Produce Off The Menu

The UK has said threats to block British boats from French ports in a dispute over fishing rights are a breach of international law and trade agreements. France said if there is no agreement by 2 November it will also tighten checks on UK boats and trucks, and could target Channel Island energy supplies. ... France was angered by a decision from the UK and Jersey last month to deny fishing licences to dozens of French boats, and argued that it breached the Brexit deal.

[Happily, the French are not the only producers of cheese and wine.]

Friday, October 22, 2021

Commemorating First Flight Backwards


Social media users have mocked Ohio after its launch of a number plate to mark the first motorised flight by the Wright brothers in 1903 crash landed. The US state's new design, unveiled by Governor Mike DeWine, sported a banner attached to the plane that boasted Ohio was the "Birthplace of Aviation". But the banner, which should have been trailing behind the plane, was actually attached to its front.

[Understandable since the Wright Flyer sported canard elevators, which could easily be mistaken for tail fins.]

One poster mocked that "even the Wright brothers went back to the drawing board", while another joked that the state government had "one job".

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Hilarious Paranoia

Robot artist Ai-Da released by Egyptian border guards

A British-built robot that uses cameras and a robotic arm to create abstract art has been released after Egyptian authorities detained it at customs. Ai-Da, named for the mathematician Ada Lovelace, was seized by border agents last week who feared her robotics may have been hiding covert spy tools. Officials held the robot for 10 days, imperilling plans to show her work at the Great Pyramid of Giza on Thursday.

According to creator Aidan Meller, border guards seized Ai-Da because they had been suspicious of her modem, before then raising issues with her camera. Mr Meller offered to remove the modem, but said that he could not remove the cameras, which are essential to Ai-Da's ability to paint. The robot uses AI algorithms to turn what is recorded through its camera into works of art.

Monday, October 4, 2021

Unmasking Facebook

2021 Facebook Whistleblower Reveals Identity, Says Company Chooses Profits > .

Facebook putting profit before public good, says whistleblower Frances Haugen: Internal papers show firm is lying about making progress against hate, violence and misinformation, ex-employee says

A former Facebook employee has accused the company of putting profit over the public good, after coming forward as the whistleblower who leaked a cache of internal documents that have placed the tech firm in its worst crisis since the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

Frances Haugen, 37, said the thousands of documents she had collected and shared with the Wall Street Journal and US law enforcement showed the company was lying to the public that it was making significant progress against hate, violence and misinformation.

“The thing I saw at Facebook over and over again was there were conflicts of interest between what was good for the public and what was good for Facebook. And Facebook, over and over again, chose to optimise for its own interests, like making more money,” she said.

In an interview with the news program 60 Minutes on Sunday, Haugen explained her decision to speak out about the internal workings of Facebook, saying she had become alarmed by what she perceived as company policies that prioritized profit over public safety.
Haugen’s lawyers have filed complaints with the Securities and Exchange Commission – the US financial regulator – accusing the company of making false statements to investors, by comparing the internal documents with public statements about tackling harmful content.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Pedophile Protection Agency, French Chapter

Church sex abuse: Thousands of paedophiles in French Church, inquiry says: 

Thousands of paedophiles have operated within the French Catholic Church since 1950, the head of a panel investigating abuses by church members says. Jean-Marc Sauvé told French media that the commission had found evidence of 2,900 to 3,200 abusers - out of a total of 115,000 priests and other clerics.

The commission is to release a lengthy report on Tuesday. It is based on church, court and police archives, as well as interviews with victims. The independent inquiry was commissioned by the French Catholic Church in 2018, following a number of scandals in other countries.
Earlier this year Pope Francis changed the Catholic Church's laws to explicitly criminalise sexual abuse, in its biggest overhaul of the criminal code for decades. The new rules make sex abuse, grooming minors, possessing child pornography and covering up abuse an offence under Canon Law.

[Having been caught with their skirts hitched up, the odious myth-flogging organization finally took action to protect children instead of its deviant clerics. Recruit males who are willing to forgo marriage with an adult woman, and any organization is bound to include pedophiles, gay men, frustrated heterosexuals, and the occasional asexual. Female priests would have been a safer concept, but homoauthoritarian males despise women.]

Friday, October 1, 2021

snowflakes, cowards idiots, losers, and AFRAID

21-10-1 >700K dead ⇨ LET'S STOP THE PLEASANT EUPHEMISMS: They aren't "anti-Vax." They're AFRAID OF GETTING VACCINATED! > .

"... we have to stop coddling the morons who will not get the shot. We start by calling them what they are. They are all snowflakes, and cowards and idiots, and losers, and, most importantly, they are afraid."

[I suspect that most of these oh-so-'Murican idiots are afraid that their friends, family, and community will despise them for succumbing to governmental pressure. Many of them will die for their ignorant obduracy. But hey, RepuGNican politicians don't care -------- just so long as they can grow rich collecting bribes from corporations.]