Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Predicted Disaster

 23-1-11 Satellite Images Show Busy Chinese Funeral Homes - Focus > .

⇐ 23-1-21 Surprise, surprise, the XiXiP continues to LIE; hiding COVID-related deaths in a vain attempt to save face and diminish justified anger amongst its suffering populace. 

23-1-25 More Severe COVID-19 Wave to Hit Xina: Study | Focus > .

⇐ 23-1-25 A morsel of honesty out of Xina. The XiXiP is clearly continuing to underreport the magnitude of this tragic crisis. 

23-1-27 China's COVID cases overwhelm hospitals. | Digging > .

Prelude: Acquiring Natural Immunity ..

⇐ 23-2-7 The XiXiP resumes LYING -- both by denying COVID deaths and by continuing to claim that its shot-down spy balloon was a weather balloon. In addition, despite using the prevailing westerly jet stream to target the USA and Canada, the XiXiP is blaming the USA for its own transgressions. 

23-2-21 Declaring "Decisive Victory" Over COVID exposes XiXiP LIES. Up to 321 M Deaths? > .

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

The Pell Tolled ...

Having one's conviction overturned on a technicality is NOT equivalent to being found innocent of committing pedophilic abuse ...
23-1-11 George Pell dead at 81. The controversial, iconic interview | 60 Min > .

Agreed, pedophiles don't deserve state funerals: "Cardinal Pell: No state funeral in Victoria due to victim distress" ~ "I couldn't think of anything more distressing for victim survivors," said the Premiere of Victoria

A jury in 2018 found he had abused two boys while Archbishop of Melbourne in the 1990s. Even before he faced charges, the cleric was a lightning rod for anger in Australia over the Church's failure to tackle the child sex abuse crisis.

A landmark inquiry found that he knew of child sexual abuse by priests in Australia as early as the 1970s but failed to take action

I never expected to agree with Pell about anything, but this opinion of Joke Francis summarizes my assessment, though for somewhat different reasons: "Late Cardinal George Pell called Pope a 'catastrophe' in anonymous memo":

In the anonymous memo, the author wrote that "Christ is being moved from the centre" of the Church 🤷under Pope Francis, and that the Vatican's political prestige had fallen to "a low ebb" ✅under his tenure.

"Commentators of every school, if for different reasons… agree that this pontificate is a disaster in many or most respects; a catastrophe," ✅ the memo says.

It says that Pope Francis' decisions and policies were often "politically correct", and accused him of stayed silent on moral issues - like human rights in Hong Kong ✅ and mainland China ✅ and the Russian invasion of Ukraine ✅.