Friday, April 5, 2024

Cancel Culture = "Mercy's Antithesis"

24-4-5 Cancel Culture Is Real - Andrew Doyle - Triggernometry > .

Cancel Culture = Mao's Cultural Devolution revisited. Not as widespread, horrific, and destructive yet, but that is more attributable to the benefits of liberal democracy than it is to rationality, factuality, or compassion amongst those who seek power through self-proclaimed victimization backed up by mob rule.

Backstabbed By Comedy Industry - Graham Linehan
by Triggernometry > .
Cancelled for Criticising BLM - Nick Buckley MBE
by Triggernometry > .
Kathleen Stock  - Hounded Out for Trans Views
by Triggernometry > .

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Hitch's Prescience

Hitchens Warns West & UK of Islamism & Politicisation of 'Islamophobia' > .

Since "phobia" suggests unjustified fear, Islamophobia is an innacurate term. Islamorationality is clumsy, but more accurate. Islamomisos, Islamomisea, or Islamomiseo are pithier.