Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Cognitive Distortions

I'm repeatedly struck by the irony inherent in whining that atheists denigrate the cognitive capacities of religious fundamentalists, while proclaiming that belief in a flawed ancient text will ensure that the believer—and only the believer—will defy the laws of nature and live when dead.

How to become a religious fundamentalist:

[under construction]

1) Early indoctrination helps, but is not essential.

2) The following does not apply to all believers, but to the worst religionist fundamentalists. These types exhibit a cognitive disorder characterized by:

a) Emotionality versus Thinking.
b) Narcissism versus Humanism.
c) Authoritarianism (RWA, SDO) versus Tolerance.
d) Defective Moral Compass.
e) Deception versus Truth.

In keeping with these problems, religious fundamentalist take pride in emotionality, fail to recognize their narcissism, take pride in authoritarianism, label those with subtler moral attitudes as "sinners", and refuse to recognize or admit that they heap one logical deception upon another.

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