Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Defective Moral Compass

Core post: Cognitive Distortions.

d) Defective Moral Compass

We've all seen examples of this. The internet has many Christian-fundamentalist-moralists who fail to see the hypocrisy inherent in applauding the murder of abortion doctors, or in defending the nasty "God" of the Hebrew Bible who (supposedly) drowned most life on earth in a fit of pique. Lamentably, these types are willing not only to excuse, but to defend genocide when "God" commands it. 

Deuteronomy 2:34, 3:6, 7:2, 7:16, 13:15, 20:16-17

Joshua 6:21, 10:40

1 Samuel 15:2-3

Jonathan Haidt's research demonstrates that, rather than fine-tuning their moral thinking according to the Golden Rule, conservatives a) dutifully adopt 'in-group' dictates, and b) base moral pronouncements on visceral responses.

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