Monday, June 16, 2014

Crafts - Medieval onward

Crafts - Medieval - Quill, Wheel, Potting, Weaponry

Crafts - Medieval - Quill, Wheel, Potting, Weaponry playlist contents.

Cooking & Kitchens - Medieval, Tudor, Georgian, Edwardian

Cooking & Kitchens - Medieval, Tudor, Georgian, Edwardian

Cooking & Kitchens - Medieval, Tudor, Georgian, Edwardian playlist contents.

BBC Farm Series - period recipes and cooking techniques from Tudor to WWII.

Kitchen section in "If Walls Could Talk" - Lucy Worsley.

Education, Language, Intelligence

Language Acquisition; Evolution of English:

Earth - Natural History, Geology, Climate

Geology and History:

How Earth Made Us: How Earth made History - Professor Iain Stewart
Earth: The Power of the Planet (2007) - Professor Iain Stewart
Making Scotland's Landscape - Professor Iain Stewart
and more

Geology and History playlist contents.

Natural History - Europe, Geology, Climate, Life

Natural History - Europe, Geology, Climate, Life playlist contents.

History with Tony Robinson

Peasants' Revolt of 1381

Peasants' Revolt of 1381 contents playlist.

Walking Through History
Fact or Fiction
Birth of Britain

playlist contents.

Worst Jobs - Dark Ages to Christmas

Worst Jobs - Dark Ages to Christmas playlist contents.

Worst Jobs in History - the Middle Ages.

Worst Jobs in History - the Middle Ages playlist contents.

Weaponry, Medieval Warfare, Castles

Weaponry, Medieval Warfare, Castles

Weaponry, Medieval Warfare, Castles playlist contents.

Secrets of the Castle with Ruth, Peter and Tom - Guédelon:


Tudors & Stuarts: Fit to Rule, What the Tudors & Stuarts Did for Us
Time Traveller's Guide to Elizabethan England
The Most Dangerous Man in Tudor England
Henry VIII: Patron or Plunderer?

Tudors & Stuarts: Fit to Rule, What the Tudors & Stuarts Did for Us playlist contents.

Tudor Monastery Farm, Tudor Feast

Tudor Monastery Farm, Tudor Feast playlist contents.

Medicine: Pus, Pain, Poison; and Parasites

Rx - Pus, Pain, Poison; and Parasites

Rx - Pus, Pain, Poison; and Parasites playlist contents.

The Great Pestilence - The Black Death

The Great Pestilence - The Black Death playlist contents.

Atheism Playlists

Will the world never be free of counter-factual, anti-rational delusion and religion-inspired violence?

Why does it matter? Inculcated in childhood, religious belief ruins, even cost, the lives of fanatics and their victims. Just as insidious, insistence upon belief in an invention for which there is no good evidence requires denial of reality coupled with cognitive distortions.

Cognitive Distortions:
Emotionality versus Thinking.
Narcissism versus Humanism.
Authoritarianism versus Tolerance.
Defective Moral Compass.
Deception versus Truth.

Atheism versus Delusion

Atheism versus Delusion playlist contents.

Errant Anthology by Men

Errant Anthology by Men playlist contents. 

Escaping the Final Deity

Psychology of Delusion playlist contents. 

Sociopolitical Inventions - Deities

Science - Ancient to Modern

Appeal of the Wondrous

Appeal of the Wondrous playlist contents.

Science - Ancient to Modern

Science - Ancient to Modern playlist contents. 

Mud, Sweat, and Tractors: Story of Agriculture

BBC: Mud, Sweat, and Tractors: Story of Agriculture
Milk; Fruit & Veg; Wheat; Beef

Inside the Medieval Mind

Unfortunately, despite being produced for the Open University, much in these playlists has been gutted by copyright claims.

Medieval Mind Knowledge

Medieval Mind Knowledge playlist contents. 

Medieval Mind Sex

Medieval Mind Sex playlist contents. 

Medieval Mind Belief

Medieval Mind Belief playlist contents. 

Medieval Mind Power & Norman Conquest

Medieval Mind Power & Norman Conquest playlist contents. 

Archaeology vs Scriptures

Of course, religionists are unwilling to accept the fact that texts included in the the biblical anthology were not written as historical records. As a result, much that it contains does not match the archaeological evidence.

Archaeology versus Scriptures

Bible's Buried Secrets - BBC & NOVA

Friday, June 13, 2014

Medieval Society

Medieval Society: Children, Women, Birth, Marriage, Death 

Medieval to Modern - Social History

Books to Maps

Books, Bookbinding, Design, Diagrams, Drawing, Illuminations, Manuscripts, Maps

Medieval Construction

Medieval Construction

Medieval Construction playlist contents.

Secrets of the Castle with Ruth, Peter and Tom - Guédelon:

Art playlists


Architecture playlist contents.

Art: Seven Ages of Britain; Art History: Vikings to Art Nouveau

Art playlist contents.

Creativity, Culture, Intelligence

Creativity, Culture, Intelligence playlist contents.


Renaissance playlist contents.

Leather, Parchment, Book Binding

Leather, Parchment, Book Binding playlist.

From Survival to Comfort

Skills & Bushcraft - BCE-Medieval-Tudor-18thC.

Excerpts from Tales from the Green Valley; Medieval pottery; construction, coracle, leather, wheelwright, manuscript, quill, stone, longbow, arrow, fletching Ray Mears, bushcraft, lime kiln, musket, medicine, urine.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Architecture and Construction

"Pugin: God's Own Architect"
"Dan Cruickshank's Adventures in Architecture"
"Dreaming the Impossible: Unbuilt Britain"

Medieval Construction:


Secrets of the Castle - Guédelon

Mastercraft Series

Monty Don places enthusiastic novices in traditional crafts.

3. Blacksmithing:

1. Green Wood Craft:

4. Stained Glass:

6. Stonemasonry:

2. Thatching:

5. Weaving:


Women in History

Women, Medieval to 17th C: She Wolves, Harlots, Whores, Heroines, Queens.

Michael Wood, Dr Helen Castor, Lucy Worsley.

"Christina: A Medieval Life", Michael Wood
"She Wolves, England's Early Queens", Helen Castor
"Medieval Lives: Birth, Marriage, Death", Helen Castor
"Harlots, Housewives, Heroines", Lucy Worsley

Worst Jobs in History

Tony Robinson's amusing series about unpleasant jobs through the ages.

Worst Jobs: Medieval

Worst Jobs in History series:

The Worst Jobs in History (Tony Robinson) - Dark Ages, Roman, Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, Tudor, Stuart, Georgian, Victorian, Urban, Royal, Industrial, Maritime, Rural, Christmas

Discovery & Invention: Scientific & Industrial Revolutions

Content list.