Monday, June 16, 2014

Atheism Playlists

Will the world never be free of counter-factual, anti-rational delusion and religion-inspired violence?

Why does it matter? Inculcated in childhood, religious belief ruins, even cost, the lives of fanatics and their victims. Just as insidious, insistence upon belief in an invention for which there is no good evidence requires denial of reality coupled with cognitive distortions.

Cognitive Distortions:
Emotionality versus Thinking.
Narcissism versus Humanism.
Authoritarianism versus Tolerance.
Defective Moral Compass.
Deception versus Truth.

Atheism versus Delusion

Atheism versus Delusion playlist contents.

Errant Anthology by Men

Errant Anthology by Men playlist contents. 

Escaping the Final Deity

Psychology of Delusion playlist contents. 

Sociopolitical Inventions - Deities

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