Friday, August 1, 2014

Does the BBC only hire incompetents?

During an interview here, the silver-haired interviewer (Joe Boyle?) asked Mark Regev a question about Israel's response to the kidnapping of one of its soldiers, and promptly interrupted the response, demanding facetiously to know how the conflict could possibly become any worse.

Regev supplied a clear explanation, but the question left me wondering if this is the first conflict the interviewer, ormore likelyhis controller have ever seen.

Good grief, transparent bias is one thing, stupid questions are another.

As to the unfortunate soldier, Hamas has yet to take credit and crow its victory. No doubt they will wait until they are thoroughly defeated, and then try to use the poor lad as a bargaining chip.

(PS, Sadly, the soldier was killed during the attack and Hamas spoke the truth, for once.)

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