Thursday, September 20, 2018

Redactions - protecting ongoing investigations and the guilty

About 10 percent of the special counsel’s 448-page report is blacked out. A bird’s-eye view of the report reveals the pattern of redactions. More is kept secret in the first volume of the report, which covers Russian interference in the 2016 election, than in the second, which covers possible transparent obstruction of justice.

The report by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, was released to the public on Thursday. Its redactions, made by the Justice Department, fall into four categories. They are labeled in the document using color-coded text, with categories indicating the reason for the redactions.

A majority of the redactions, about 69 percent in total, were made because the material related to ongoing investigations. . .

The report released on Thursday revealed that his team of prosecutors had found enough evidence of potential crimes to make 14 different criminal referrals to other federal prosecutors.

So far, only two of those have officially been made public.

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