Saturday, March 7, 2020

NYT's hypocricy

Watching the NYT's opinion pieces over the last several months, I formed the distinct impression that the NYT editorial board was quietly opposed to her candidacy.

Now that Senator Warren is 'safely' out of the race, they have printed a exposé of the sexism beneath her failure to prevail over a progressive blighted my a myocardial infarction, and a never-bright moderate blighted by apparent early dementia:
I Am Burning With Fury and Grief Over Elizabeth Warren. And I Am Not Alone: She might not be bound for the presidency, but she has lodged herself in another powerful place: the female psyche.
I am dismayed, but un-surprised that the still-too-far-wrong American democrats chose unwisely. After all, the American electorate was sufficiently anti-intellectual that it failed to vote against a dimwitted crook devoid of patriotism or morals.

When Americans finally reach the 20th century, they might be open to considering a superior candidate despite the fact that she has indoor plumbing.

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