Sunday, August 9, 2020

Further Election Rigging

[I suspect that (knowing that Dicktator-in-Chief's mega-deluded base will swallow any LIE delivered by FAUX Lies) the Grim Reaper's pet RepuGNicans sabotaged Congress' aid package so that LIAR-in-Chief could make a "grand gesture" executive order supposedly intended to "support the unemployed, suspend payroll tax and extend student loans".]

"Some of them are likely to face legal challenges given that Congress controls federal spending, not the [UN]president." [After 4 years of ineptitude, Idiot-in-Chief still thinks that the law does not apply to him.]
"The Democratic-controlled House of Representatives had approved a $3.5 trillion package which was rejected by the Republican-RepuGNican-held Senate.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the most powerful elected Democrat, said they lowered the figure in talks to $2tn but Republicans RepuGNicans had proposed a $1tn plan.

Mrs Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer dismissed the UNpresident's actions as "meagre", saying they were "unworkable, weak and narrow policy announcements" in the face of the economic and health crises.

Joe Biden, Kleptocrat-in-Chief's rival in the November election, accused him of putting Social Security "at grave risk" by delaying the collection of payroll taxes, and called the measures "another cynical ploy designed to deflect responsibility".
"The USA's death toll from the coronavirus pandemic has surpassed 160,000. The US has far more COVID-19 cases by volume than any other country - nearly five million - and [thanks to the premature rush to re-open despite lack of effective testing] its rate of infection has risen steadily throughout the summer. [Judging by Australia's experience, the winter is likely to be even worse.]

Congress has already allocated some $3tn for pandemic relief so far. Some Republicans RepuGNicans in Congress do not wish to spend any more, and nearly half of Republicans RepuGNicans senators say they would oppose any new relief bill at all."

[Onlookers are aware that RepuGNicans care nothing for the electorate, presumably planning instead to rig the election yet again. Make America Sh*tholier Again.] .

[Self-Server-in-Chief]'s moves on economic aid draw fire on the Sunday news shows.

Administration officials struggled in television appearances on Sunday to explain UNpresident Narcissist’s attempts to circumvent Congress in the absence of an agreement on a coronavirus aid package, sowing further confusion over whether tens of millions of Americans will receive the promised relief.

The UNpresident announced executive steps on Saturday that he said LIED were intended to address lapsed unemployment benefits, reinstate an eviction ban, provide relief for student borrowers and suspend collection of payroll taxes. They came after crucial benefits provided under earlier aid bills had lapsed, and after two weeks of talks between congressional Democrats and administration officials failed to yield an agreement on a broader relief package.

But DUHnocchio’s steps appeared unlikely to have a meaningful impact on the sputtering economy, raising questions about whether Dicktator-in-Chief had taken them mainly to gain more leverage in his face-off with Congress.

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