Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Miscarriage of "Justice" on a technicality

It is past time to remove the Statute of Limitations on sexual assault.

The psychological impacts of historical sexual assault, particularly childhood sexual abuse, often prevent victims/survivors from speaking up for years or decades. Because perpetrators typically continue to offend, society is not served by protecting perpetrators at the cost of subsequent victims.

[Sexual Assailant] Bill Cosby freed after top Pennsylvania court overturns sex conviction [on a technicality]

US comedian Bill Cosby has left prison hours after his sexual assault conviction was overturned by Pennsylvania's Supreme Court. The judges said there had been a "process violation" by the prosecution but admitted their ruling was unusual. "Process violation"?= Cosby's lawyers had made an agreement with a previous state prosecutor that he would not be charged in the case.

Cosby, 83, had served more than two years of a three to 10-year sentence at a state prison near Philadelphia. In 2018 he was found guilty of drugging and molesting ex-basketball player Andrea Constand. Dozens of women had publically accused him of sexual assault, although he was only tried criminally for the incident against Andrea Constand. His conviction in 2018 was widely seen as a landmark moment in the #MeToo movement.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

In some societies "maleness" manifests as a mental disorder

The man allegedly seized a knife and stabbed and killed a saleswoman and two more women in the store. He then injured five other women and a child [presumably female] on the street and in a bank.

The three people killed in the knife attack in the German city of Würzburg on Friday were all women, police say. The 24-year-old suspect, a Somali immigrant, grabbed a knife from the kitchen section of a department store, attacking several inside. He then lashed out at people outside.

Police say the suspect was possibly psychologically unstable [Ya don't say!] and may have held extremist Islamist beliefs. [Religion per se does not create aggression-prone personality disorders. However, those with aggression-prone personality disorders (typically male) are often attracted to religionism.]

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

2005 Disgusting Ockers at Cronulla

.Cronulla Riots: triggers, aftermath, and lasting impact on Australia > .

One Sunday in December 2005, five thousand Australians gathered at Cronulla, singing and waving the national flag as they "reclaimed" the beach. Fuelled by drink, the crowd became a mob, hunting down and beating anyone who looked Middle Eastern.

That night and the next, carloads of hundreds of young men of Middle Eastern descent headed for the beach suburbs to launch similarly random and savage acts of revenge.
The shocking TV images flashed across the world. At home, Australia's ugliness was disowned as "un-Australian". Political leaders called it a problem of law and order rather than racism.

So what should Australians make of the Cronulla explosion? Was it a nation-defining event that should sound the alarm about growing racial division? Or was it something less, a turf war, or a clash of tribes that some have likened to the '60s rumbles between rockers and surfers?

Four Corners looked for answers not from social commentators but from the participants - the young Anglos who joined the seething mob at Cronulla on 11 December, the Middle Eastern men who took part in revenge attacks, and the police who were stuck in the middle.

The 2005 Cronulla riots were race riots in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. They began in the beachside suburb of Cronulla on 11 December and spread over the next few nights to additional suburbs.

The riots were triggered by an event the previous Sunday, when an altercation turned physical between a group of youths of Middle-Eastern appearance (referred to as "Lebanese" or "Lebos" by their opponents) and Anglo-Australian lifeguards on the beach. Following the reporting of this event by the tabloid media and "shock jocks" on local radio, a racially motivated gathering was organised for the following weekend.

A crowd gathered at Cronulla on the morning of Sunday, 11 December, and, by midday, approximately 5,000 people had gathered near the beach. The police eventually intervened. Violence spread to other southern suburbs of Sydney, where assaults occurred, including two stabbings and attacks on ambulances and police officers. Travel warnings for Australia were issued by some countries but were later removed.

The riots were widely condemned by local, state and federal members of parliament, police, local community leaders, and residents of Cronulla and adjacent areas. A large number of arrests were made over the subsequent months, from both the initial riot on 11 December and the retaliations over the subsequent nights. Some media were criticised and well-known radio personality Alan Jones was formally censured and fined for his broadcasts during that week.

The Australia First Party, in particular its youth wing the Patriotic Youth League, were involved in the riots.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Friday, June 18, 2021

Biden on Road to Canossa?

Road to Canossa? The Church's only power has historically been delivered through empty promises [heaven], empty threats [hell], and horrific punishments [burnings at the stake for noncompliance] delivered at the Church's behest. Given the Pedophile Protection Agency's cover-up of pedophilia, its child-abuse in Church institutions, rampant misogyny, anti-condom medical-malpractice in AIDS-rampant nations, and its hypocritical stance on homosexuality it remains a horror that any rational person would remain brainwashed about the non-existence that supposedly loves genuflectors and punishes non-believers.

The Humiliation of Canossa, (L'umiliazione di Canossa), sometimes called the Walk to Canossa (Gang nach Canossa/Kanossa) or the Road to Canossa, was the ritual submission of the Holy Roman Emperor, Henry IV to Pope Gregory VII at Canossa Castle in 1077 during the Investiture controversy. It involved the Emperor journeying to Canossa, where the Pope had been staying as the guest of Margravine Matilda of Tuscany, to seek absolution and the revocation of his excommunication.

According to contemporary sources, Henry IV was forced to supplicate himself on his knees waiting for three days and three nights before the entrance gate of the castle, while a blizzard raged. Indeed, the episode has been described as "one of the most dramatic moments of the Middle Ages". It has also spurred much debate among medieval chroniclers as well as modern historians, who argue about whether the walk was a "brilliant masterstroke" or an embarrassing humiliation.

Abortion rights: US Catholic Pedophile Protection Agency bishops face clash with Biden

US Catholic bishops are on a potential collision course with President Joe Biden after voting to commission a document that may call for him to be barred from Holy Communion. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) clashed online over whether to draw up a teaching document on politicians who support abortion.

The [utterly empty ritual of] Holy Communion is [touted by ecclesiastical power-mongers as] the most important ritual ritualistic manipulation in the Catholic Christian faith.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Hell Hath No Fury Like a Despicable Male Scorned

Tenerife: Protests against violence as search for baby's body continues

A deep-water search for the body of a one-year-old girl, believed murdered by her father, is continuing off Tenerife in the Canary Islands.

An investigating judge alleges Anna Gimeno Zimmermann and her six-year-old sister Olivia were killed by their father Tomás to "cause the greatest pain imaginable" to their mother.