Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Miscarriage of "Justice" on a technicality

It is past time to remove the Statute of Limitations on sexual assault.

The psychological impacts of historical sexual assault, particularly childhood sexual abuse, often prevent victims/survivors from speaking up for years or decades. Because perpetrators typically continue to offend, society is not served by protecting perpetrators at the cost of subsequent victims.

[Sexual Assailant] Bill Cosby freed after top Pennsylvania court overturns sex conviction [on a technicality]

US comedian Bill Cosby has left prison hours after his sexual assault conviction was overturned by Pennsylvania's Supreme Court. The judges said there had been a "process violation" by the prosecution but admitted their ruling was unusual. "Process violation"?= Cosby's lawyers had made an agreement with a previous state prosecutor that he would not be charged in the case.

Cosby, 83, had served more than two years of a three to 10-year sentence at a state prison near Philadelphia. In 2018 he was found guilty of drugging and molesting ex-basketball player Andrea Constand. Dozens of women had publically accused him of sexual assault, although he was only tried criminally for the incident against Andrea Constand. His conviction in 2018 was widely seen as a landmark moment in the #MeToo movement.

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