Friday, July 2, 2021

Imaginary Coups easier than Staging a Coup

 21-7-2 Lukashenko orders Belarusian borders closed because of [presumably imaginary] "planned coup".

Belarus has closed its border with Ukraine, claiming that arms are being smuggled into the country. President Alexander Lukashenko claims it is part of an attempt by outside powers to overthrow his authoritarian regime.

Lukashenko claimed - without providing proof - that his security services had uncovered a foreign-backed terrorist sleeper cells plotting to oust him from power. He alleged the weapons were being shipped to terrorist cells funded by Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine and the US. [Funny that his chief worry - Russia - is not mentioned.]

"A huge amount of weapons is coming from Ukraine to Belarus. That's why I ordered border-security forces to fully close the border with Ukraine," Lukashenko said, at a ceremony marking the country's 30 years of independence following the collapse of the Soviet Union.

[Yeah, yeah, and you have a bridge to sell. As though Ukraine is not busy enough holding Russia's invasion in check.]

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