Sunday, July 18, 2021

Less afflicted

Canada's vaccination rate overtakes US: Canada has overtaken the US in second dose vaccination rates, after months of lagging behind its southern neighbour. 

As of 16 July, 48.45% of Canadians are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, compared with 48.05% of Americans. Roughly 80% of eligible Canadians protected by at least one dose.

Of G20 countries, Canada is now at the head of the pack in vaccination rates. Worldwide, it is hovering around the 15th spot for percentage of the population fully vaccinated, with the US just behind, according to the New York Times global tracker.

In the US, a levelling-off of vaccine rates comes amid a concerning increase in COVID-19 cases.

[Canada is less afflicted by paranoid, rebellious, ignorant, arrogant, and/or selfish anti-vaxxers than is the USA.]

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