Sunday, August 29, 2021

Another Sceptic Succumbs

21-8-29 This death is doubly tragic because it was avoidable ........... 

Staffordshire COVID sceptic Marcus Birks dies in hospitalA COVID sceptic who was hospitalised with the virus and went on to urge other people to get vaccinated has died. Marcus Birks, 40, from Leek, Staffordshire, died on Friday leaving his family "shattered", his wife said. He was admitted to the intensive care unit at Royal Stoke University Hospital earlier this month.

The musician had told the BBC he was "shocked" to have become so unwell with the virus because he "rarely got ill".

21-8-11 Staffordshire COVID sceptic urges people to get vaccine.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

A: Democrats probably / RepuGNicans no

Q: Like many across the world, millions in Asia have been shocked by the scenes of desperation coming out of Afghanistan - with some asking if America can still be trusted.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Freedom FROM Sense

Swallowing dangerous LIES is foolishness, not worthwhile freedom ......... these people are not free to understand facts and to make wise choices. Many will die for their "freedom to be ignorant".

Monday, August 16, 2021

Sociopaths USE people and then throw them to the wolves

Thousands Who Helped the U.S. in Afghanistan Are Trapped. What Happens Next?: Many of those who worked alongside U.S. troops have waited years for visas to come to the United States. The speedy withdrawal of forces left most of them behind.

[Lest we forget ---- Dubaya started this mess, Cautious-to-a-Fault Obama continued it, Don't-Give-a-Damn-about-People tRUMP put on an ineffective performance for 4 years, Obama's-Coat-Tails Biden inherited the mess 6 months ago.] 

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Barack Antoinette? That's one BITTER ... er ... columnist

“Maureen Dowd has been to plenty of fancy parties at the houses of successful white friends but she’s mad that a successful black man had a (gasp) party for his (gasp) birthday with his (gasp) friends. F— all the way off with this racist bulls—,” musician and author Mikel Jollet tweeted.

[Dowd sports a vocabulary inspired by the demands of sarcasm, which is aimed, it appears, at everyone but her-resentful-self.]

Yeah, yeah, pull the other leg

21-8-15 Taliban spokesman tells BBC ‘no revenge’ on Afghans - BBC News > .
2-8-27 The Taliban is Lying, Don't Believe Them - Johnny Harris > .

Taliban spokesman tells BBC they are 'awaiting a peaceful transfer of power':

A spokesman for the Taliban has told the BBC's Yalda Hakim "there will be no revenge" on the people of Afghanistan. Suhail Shaheen called the presenter live on air. "We assure the people in Afghanistan, particularly in the city of Kabul, that their properties, their lives are safe - there will be no revenge on anyone," he told her.

"We are the servants of the people and of this country."

Many Afghans [who know the actual value of Taliban words] fear a brutal return to the [Gileadean] regime of the 1990s, which was characterised by public executions, stonings and girls being banned from school.

[Authoritarian religionist males are a blight on women and girls, in particular.]

Friday, August 13, 2021

In a SUPPOSEDLY Developed Society

[Obdurate partisan ignorance kills. Statistically, most of the recent hospitalizations and deaths could have been prevented or ameliorated by vaccination.] 

Four educators in Florida's second-largest school district have died from COVID-19 within a day of each other, teachers' union officials say. The deaths come just days before Broward County schools are due to reopen on August 18.

Three of the educators who died in Florida were unvaccinated, said the teachers' union. It was unclear whether the fourth had received a COVID vaccine. None of them had been inside a school building recently.

Florida's [disgustingly ignorant and authoritarian] RepuGNican governor has threatened to withhold pay from school leaders who require masks for pupils. School virus protocols have become the subject of fierce debate as the [more contagious, more dangerous] Delta variant spreads in the US.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Domestic retribution? Violence for the sake-of-violence?

The mother of the Plymouth gunman, Maxine Davison, and three-year-old Sophie Martyn have been named among the five victims of his shooting spree. Ms Davison, 51, was shot and killed by her 22-year-old son Jake Davison at her home on Biddick Drive, Plymouth, on Thursday evening.

Davison went on to kill three-year-old Sophie, her father Lee Martyn, 43, Stephen Washington and Kate Shepherd. His attack lasted about six minutes before he turned the gun on himself.

In online videos Davison spoke of being "beaten down" and "defeated by life".

Police said the incident, the worst mass shooting in Britain since 2010, was not terror-related. However, Davison made references to "incels" in some online social media videosIncels are members of misogynistic online groups of "involuntary celibate" men, who blame women for their sexual failings and who have been linked to a number of violent acts around the world. [Is it any wonder that women don't fancy dating such types?]

Davison had posted hate-filled online rants about single mothers and about his own mother in particular, calling her "vile, dysfunctional and chaotic".

[Ironically, "vile, dysfunctional and chaotic" describes his final, despicable acts.]

UK turning into America? :(

"Police said three females, two males and the suspect died. All are thought to have died from gunshot wounds and relatives have been informed. An MP said one of those killed was under 10 years old and more people were being treated in hospital."

"Firstly, there was shouting, followed by gunshots - three possibly four to begin with," an eyewitness said. "This was when the shooter kicked in the door of a house and randomly started shooting... He ran from the house shooting as he ran and proceeded to shoot at a few people in the linear park up from the drive." She said the "shooter proceeded along Royal Navy Avenue still shooting".

Another witness, Robert Pinkerton, said he "walked around the corner" and "bumped into a bloke with a shotgun". He said the man was dressed all in black.

Finally, a little balance

Human Rights Watch (HRW) has said that the firing of rockets at Israel by Palestinians in Gaza during the conflict in May amounted to war crimes. The attacks "flagrantly violated" the laws of war, the campaign group said following an investigation.

More than 4,360 unguided rockets and mortars were fired, Israel says, killing 13 people there. Some fell short, killing Palestinians in Gaza. At least 260 people were killed in Gaza during the 11 days of fighting.

It began after weeks of spiralling Israeli-Palestinian tension in East Jerusalem which culminated in clashes at a holy site revered by both Muslims and Jews. Hamas - the militant Islamist group which rules Gaza - began firing rockets after warning Israel to withdraw from the site, triggering retaliatory air strikes.

Last month, HRW said three Israeli air strikes it investigated also amounted to war crimes. The investigation into the strikes which killed 62 civilians found no evidence of military targets nearby. The Israeli military says it only struck military targets in Gaza and took various measures to avoid causing civilian casualties.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

That's one UNTRUSTWORTHY regime

Prison term raises pressure on Canada and US in high-stakes China standoff: 

Jail term for Michael Spavor viewed by Canada as retaliation over Huawei finance chief’s detention. Hours after a court in China sentenced Canadian Michael Spavor to 11 years in prison for espionage, Meng Wanzhou appeared in a Vancouver courtroom, as final arguments began in her fight against extradition to the United States.

The two cases, while not officially linked [read, the CCP is lying], are at the heart a geopolitical feud between the United States and China, which has left Canada suffering collateral damage.

Michael Spavor and another Canadian, Michael Kovrig, were arrested by Chinese officials in December 2018, days after Canada arrested the Huawei executive on a US extradition request.

China has repeatedly demanded that Meng Wanzhou be released, even though prime minister Justin Trudeau has explained that his government cannot interfere in the country’s judicial process.

Spavor’s verdict and sentencing, which follow an opaque and secretive trial, were denounced by Canada and its allies, who have accused China of “hostage diplomacy”.

According to Jack Cunningham, co-ordinator at the Bill Graham Centre for Contemporary International History at the University of Toronto, Canada’s options are limited. “China is playing by rules they’ve created for themselves. They’re free to manipulate their own domestic judicial process. It’s a regime that sees the rule of law in essentially political terms,” said Cunningham.

[Yeah, the CCP is clearly not to be trusted. So, where possible, Canadians can avoid purchasing Chinese manufactured items.]

That's one SICK country

Florida governor says no salaries for school leaders requiring masks

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, [apparently a heartless idiot and] a vocal critic of COVID restrictions, has said the state can withhold salaries from school leaders who enact mask mandates. He earlier issued an order against such policies in schools, but some districts have pushed back, saying their pupils must still mask. The row comes as US schools begin their new academic year, and as Delta variant surges affect younger groups.

Florida is one of several states in the southern US to see dramatic rises in virus cases and hospital admissions in recent weeks.

Public health experts and teachers say masks are needed to prevent the spread of the highly contagious Delta variant - especially as the vaccines are not yet approved for children under the age of 12. The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says students above the age of two and all staff should mask indoors even if they are vaccinated, and socially distance in classrooms to reduce risk.

More than 13,600 people in Florida were in hospital with COVID-19 as of 21-8-9, according to federal health authorities. There are over 100 children currently in hospital due to the virus, local media report.

About half of the Sunshine State's population has been fully vaccinated. 

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

There but for a vaccine ...

.The Last Few Polio Survivors – Last of the Iron Lungs | Gizmodo > .

C*N*servative Anti-Factualism

Sociologist Robert Merton famously proposed norms for the conduct of science in 1942. The norm of “communism” (different from the political philosophy of communism) holds that the results of scientific research should be the common property of the scientific community. “Universalism” postulates that knowledge should transcend racial, class, national or political barriers. “Disinteredness” mandates that scientists should conduct research for the benefit of the scientific enterprise rather than for personal gain. These norms sit uneasily with strands of standard contemporary C*N*servative thought. C*N*servatism and CONservatism are typically associated with nationalism and patriotism, at the expense of embracing cooperative internationalism. [Moderate conservatives, on the other hand, are capable of facing realities -- explaining why so many well-educated moderate conservatives have publicly abandoned the tRUMPist RepuGNican partisanship]. And the notion of disinterestedness may not mesh well with conservative emphasis on property rights [self, self, self].

Science has enabled us to explain the world around us but that may create further tensions – especially with religious conservatism religionist CONservatism. The idea fantasy that humans are exceptional is at the core of traditional Judeo-Christian thought, which sees [perpetuates the self-flattering medieval myth of viewing] the human as an imago Dei, an image of God, that is clearly separate from other beings and nature itself.

Against this human exceptionalism, the over-arching outcome of centuries of research since the scientific revolution has been a diminution of the status of human beings. We [those big enough to marvel at realities] now recognise our planet to be a rather small and insignificant object in a universe full of an untold number of galaxies [with no need for invented deities], rather than the centre of all creation.

Many scientific findings continue to be disputed by [mostly wrong-wing] politicians and [mostly wrong-wing] parts of the public long after a scholarly consensus has been established. For example, nearly a third of [mostly wrong-wing]  Americans still do not accept that fossil fuel emissions cause climate change, even though the scientific community settled on a consensus that they do decades ago.

The author and associates recently conducted two large-scale surveys that explored the first possibility – that some intrinsic attributes of science are in tension with aspects of conservative thinking.

Research into why people reject scientific facts has identified people’s [mostly wrong-wing] political worldviews as the principal [obdurate ignorance] predictor variable. People with a libertarian [read, selfish wrong-wing] or conservative worldview are more likely to reject climate change and evolution and are less likely to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

Research focused on three scientific issues; climate change, vaccinations, and the heritability of intelligence. The first two were chosen because of their known tendency to be rejected by people on the political right wrong, allowing us to observe the potential moderating role of other predictors.

Heritability of intelligence was chosen because the belief that external forces such as education can improve people and their circumstances is a focus of liberalism. CONservatism, on the other hand, is skeptical of that possibility and leans more towards the idea that improvement comes from the individual – implying a lesser role for the malleability of intelligence. 

The fact that individual differences in intelligence are related to genetic differences, with current estimates of heritability hovering around 50%, is therefore potentially challenging to liberals [Pah! Genuinely liberal thinkers recognize that the 50:50 nature:nurture statistic confirms human malleability in the face of the education] but might be endorsed by CONservatives.

C*N*servatives and CONservatives were less likely to accept the norms of science, suggesting that the worldviews of some people on the political right wrong may be typically are in intrinsic conflict with the scientific enterprise. [Well-educated moderate political conservatives are capable of coping with reality.]

The two studies help explain why C*N*/CONservatives are more likely to reject scientific findings than liberals. This rejection is not only dictated by political interests clashing with a specific body of scientific knowledge (such as human-caused climate change), but it appears to represent a deeper tension between C*N*/CONservatism and the spirit in which science is commonly conducted.

[Is "nature" or "nurture" a predictor of C*N*/CONservative rejection of reality? fMRI studies have repeatedly demonstrated functional and structural differences between the brains of "conservatives" (closed) and "liberals" (open). The neuroscientists stress that the difference indicate predispositions rather than party affiliation ---- in other words, "conservative thinkers" can be found at both political extremes. 

Psychological research has repeatedly demonstrated that, in addition to Big 5 "openness", "liberal" attitudes are statistically correlated with educational level. At the aggregate level, this correlation is reflected in the association between poverty/illiteracy levels and conservative, authoritarian societies.

Most likely explanation of fMRI and attitudinal findings? Nature endows individuals with cognitive (fIQ) predilections such that "liberal" brains gravitate towards liberal information sets [moderate and left-leaning media], and "conservative" brains towards "conservative" information sets [eg BratBait, FAUX Lies]. Thus, gravitation leads to selective self-amplification of inborn attitudinal/fIQ propensities.]

Monday, August 9, 2021

USA first in COVID-19 FAIL .

Win-Win Profits from Disease

Win 1 = profit from causing respiratory problems
Win 2 = profit from treating respiratory problems

Tobacco giant Philip Morris raises bid for respiratory drugmakerTobacco giant Philip Morris has raised its bid to buy respiratory drugmaker Vectura to more than £1bn. 
Vectura makes inhaled medicines and devices to treat respiratory illnesses such as asthma, and counts Novartis and GSK among its customers.

Friday, August 6, 2021

Communist Society = C*N*servative Attitudes

Communist leanings = bottom-up self-interest, NOT social liberalism
Fascist leanings = top-down self-interest, NOT concern for individuals

In other words, both extremes sport authoritarians willing to harm others in [mostly] vain hope of benefits to self.

‘We can’t go back’: the Russian gay family who took refuge in Spain: Family was targeted in hate campaign on social media after appearing in a food chain’s ad

A Russian lesbian family who received death threats after they appeared in an advertisement ... say they feel safe in Barcelona and accepted for who they are. The family were targeted in a hate campaign on social media after they appeared in the ad. The [advertizer] later apologised and replaced the photo with one of a heterosexual family.

“We don’t feel safe in Russia because of its homophobic laws,” Mila, the family’s younger daughter, said. “Lots of chatrooms published our Instagram accounts and email addresses. There were a lot of stupid comments but also terrifying ones, like the picture of an axe covered in blood.”

[T]he family was bombarded with phone calls and hate mail on social media, which included threats to rape Yuma’s eight-year-old granddaughter.

Exposing DUHnocchio