Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Acquiring Natural Immunity

 ⇐ 21-10-3 States close to South Dakota continue to pay a price for the Sturgis Stupidity rally against the backdrop of low vaccination rates.

USA as of 21-11-26 

Cases 48.1M +30,853
Deaths 777K +377

⇐ 21-11-30 Baseline before Omicron variant announced in USA

⇐ 22-1-8 The Omicron variant is afflicting less individuals in the States that peaked in October.

⇐ 22-1-8 Omicron has not yet been in widespread circulation long enough to kill huge numbers in western democracies --- Milder than Delta? Protection conferred the easy way by vaccines? Protection conferred the risky way by post-infectious natural immunity?
⇐ 22-1-8 After a delay, Omicron deaths begin to rise as precipitously as cases.
⇐ 22-1-12 The protection of comparative isolation and natural post-Sturgis immunity only protect briefly. 
⇐ 22-1-12 Omicron is "darkening" the globe fast.
⇐ 22-1-15 The protection of comparative isolation and natural post-Sturgis immunity no longer protective. 
⇐ 22-1-15 Further "darkening". China's "zero Covid" clampdowns are unlikely to hold back the inevitable for long.

USA as of 22-1-15
Cases 65.8M
Deaths 850K

⇐ 22-1-31 Some improvement, particularly in northeastern states

⇐ 22-1-31 China, which is shutting down multi-million inhabitant cities (and is probably under-reporting actual statistics) appears to be painting its population into a no-win situation
Cases 74.3M
Deaths 883K 

⇐ 22-2-6 Further improvement, particularly in northeastern states

⇐ 22-2-6 China, which continues to shut down multi-million inhabitant cities (and is probably under-reporting actual statistics) appears to be determined to trap its non-immune population into a no-win situation

⇐ 22-2-13 Improving mostly in those states with higher vaccination rates. We'll see what the Super Bowl will bring.

⇐ 22-2-13 Darkest green = most vaccine coverage (and mostly most densely populated); darkest tan = least vaccine coverage (and mostly least densely populated)

⇐ 22-2-13 Noted for its official LIES, China is probably hiding its true statistics

⇐ 22-3-2 Much improved except for Idaho.
United States
Total cases 79M
Deaths 953K

⇐ 22-3-2 Day 7 of Pootin's incompetent, inhumane, ill-advised invasion of Ukraine. Noted for its official LIES, China is probably still hiding its true statistics

⇐ 22-3-4 Even Idaho has improved a little.

⇐ 22-3-4 Day 9 of Pootin's incompetent, inhumane, ill-advised invasion of Ukraine.

⇐ 22-3-30 Finally approaching herd immunity, or not testing and reporting at previous levels?

⇐ 22-3-30 Herd immunity not yet global. China is still resorting to massive, punitive lockdowns as dictated by CCP's untenable zero COVID goals. The Rascist invasion appears to have increased cases in Ukraine.

⇐ 22-4-15 Inadequately vaccinated China (with 26 million on lockdown in Shanghai) is undoubtedly still lying about its number of active cases. Thanks to uncooperative idiots, Canada is suffering for removing mask mandates far too early. It appears that Australia reopened borders too early. 

⇐ 22-4-26 Inadequately vaccinated China (with 26 million on continued lockdown in Shanghai and possible lockdown of Beijing pending) is undoubtedly still lying about its number of active cases. Thanks to widespread vaccination, Canada is recovering from removing mask mandates far too early. It appears that Australia reopened borders too early. Rascist infection of Ukraine continues.

⇐ 22-5-18 Another wave strikes in the USA

⇐ 22-5-18 Ukraine continues invasion-introduced COVID surge. Xina continues to hide its cases. Unvaccinated North Korea is suffering a surge.

⇐ 22-5-29 

⇐ 22-5-29 Xina continues to lie about the excess deaths it is passing off as the underlying conditions that increase mortality in those succumbing to COVID. Shanghai supposedly coming off lockdown, Beijing to be locked-down. Ukraine continues to suffer invasion-increased cases.

Multiple Omicron subvariants have emerged. In early July 2022, a strain called BA.5—the most contagious one so far along with BA.4, another subvariant—is causing more than 50% of cases, making it the predominant strain in the United States. (BA.4 accounts for about 20% of all U.S. COVID cases.)

The original Omicron strain has a relatively mild version of the virus, causing less severe disease and death than Delta, which preceded it. While scientists are still learning about BA.5, data continues to show hospitalizations to be low compared to earlier in the pandemic. So far, the same can be said of infections, based on numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). But that data does not include results from home tests.

⇐ 22-7-11 USA (obviously)

⇐ 22-7-11 Xina, where it all started, has even more cities in lockdown, but continues to under-report. Hotspots in Ukraine, Belarus, Finland, Spain, France, Germany, Greece, Japan.

22-7-19 BA.2.75 "Centaurus" - New COVID Variant of Concern - Dr M H > .

⇐ 22-7-18 BA.5 dominates, BA.2.75 begins in USA

⇐ 22-7-18 BA.5 dominates, BA.2.75 has emerged in India (neither India nor China reporting reliably).

⇐ 22-7-22

⇐ 22-8-12
Mongolia, Turkey, Finland worsening. Australia continues to reflect alarm.

22-8-12 COVID infection 'rebounds' - ABC Aus > .
22-8-12 Why are COVID variants so dangerous? | ABC Aus > .

⇐ 22-8-24 Have Russians found a way to avoid dying for Poooti's inflated ego?

⇐ 22-10-16 Whilst Xina continues to lock more citizens down and to LIE about statistics, Europe is surging ready for winter.  

⇐ 22-10-24 Lockdowns continue in Xina. Is this the comparative calm before another winter wave, or have enough nations achieved herd immunity?

22-10-31 Officials warn of COVID-flu 'twindemic' as life returns to normal | DW > .

⇐ 22-12-26 After easing its doomed "Zero"-COVID policy, the XiXiP continues to LIE about the severity of its surging epidemic, resultant ICU-overload, and increase in COVID-related deaths. Some governments deserve no respect.

23-1-11 Satellite Images Show Busy Chinese Funeral Homes - Focus > .

⇐ 23-1-21 Surprise, surprise, the XiXiP continues to LIE; hiding COVID-related deaths in a vain attempt to save face and diminish justified anger amongst its suffering populace. 

Sunday, June 5, 2022

A reminder

As self-only Americans go to the polls yet again, a reminder of the result of enfranchising wrong-wing ignoramuses devoid of the capacity to recognize incompetent, narcissistic evil ........

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Wanted: Foolish Older Ruscists

Russia scraps age limit for new troops in Ukraine push

Russia is presenting it as a move to recruit more technical specialists. The new law says specialists are required to operate high-precision weapons and "experience shows that they become such by the age of 40-45". More medics, engineers and communications experts may also be recruited.

Ukrainian and Western military experts say Russia has suffered heavy losses in the war: about 30,000 killed, according to Ukraine, while the UK government estimates the toll at about 15,000. In comparison, Soviet losses in nine years of war in Afghanistan were about 15,000.

Russia gave a total of 1,351 dead on 25 March, which it has not updated.

Poor Pooooooooooooooooootin is growing desperate.

Слава Україні! Slava Ukrayini! Слава героям Slava heroyam!

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Commemorating the bleeping of Moskva

22-4-16 Ukrainians flock to buy stamp telling Russia to go [bleep] itself | DW > .

"It's well-known around the world. The moment at the beginning of the Ukraine war when a border guard not so politely refused to surrender Snake Island to a Russian warship – using some very colorful language. A new postage stamp depicts the guard and the Russian ship – the Moskva. Now, Ukraine claims to have sunk that very ship and the stamp has become a collector's item." [Predictably, despite retaliating against the factory that produced the successful Neptune missiles, Pootin's contemptible mob are lying and denying]

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Russia deserves WORSE ---- MUCH WORSE

[Vlad the Terrible was warned. Murdering Ukrainians on a power-mongering pretext, the Kremlin deserves much, much worse.]

The governor of the central bank of Russia – famed for sending coded messages with her attire – had chosen to dress in funereal black as she warned about the devastating hit to the Russian economy from sweeping sanctions imposed by western governments in retaliation for the invasion of Ukraine.

With the rouble plunging by more than a quarter and queues forming for foreign currency, Nabiullina announced last Monday that the central bank’s key interest rate would more than double to a record 20%, to curb soaring inflation. In steps to cushion the blow for ordinary Russians, capital controls would be put in place, while the stock market would temporarily close.

22-3-5 Ukrainians defy Putin’s hopes of swift victory as 66,000 return from overseas to fight: US says Ukraine ‘absolutely can win’ as Russia bombs multiple civilian targets

The image is one of the most evocative of the war so far. Ukrainian self-defence forces surround a man in a blue uniform. His T-shirt is bloody. The captive is a Russian pilot. His plane was shot down on Saturday while on a bombing mission in Chernihiv, north of Kyiv. He catapulted to safety and was taken prisoner. His co-pilot perished.

Defiant Putin warns the west: your sanctions are akin to an act of war: Ukraine told: your statehood is in doubt as Russian bombs end ceasefire in Mariupol

[Think yourself lucky that the West has not actually gone to war against you, Little Big Ego. A military that can't prevail against Ukraine would suffer very badly.]

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Feeding the Croc

""An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile — hoping it will eat him last."" ~ Winston Churchill (adapted from a speech on January 20, 1940)

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Ah! There you are!

Russian submarine hit Royal Navy warship ['s towed array sonar] in North Atlantic

A Russian submarine collided with a Royal Navy warship on patrol in the North Atlantic, the Ministry of Defence (MOD) has confirmed. HMS Northumberland had been tracking the submarine when it hit the ship's sonar - a piece of equipment being trailed hundreds of metres behind it

HMS Northumberland was searching for the submarine in the Arctic Circle after it disappeared from the ship's radar, according to Channel 5, which was filming for its Warship: Life at Sea series. The MOD said the frigate had located the hunter-killer submarine using the towed array sonar - a long tube fitted with sensitive hydrophones to listen under the water.


.Athletes Fall for Pseudoscience; "Wellness" Leads to Conspiracy Theories - mlc > .

Doesn't believe in vaccination? Imagines he "knows" more than medical scientists. Yet he is a "devout Christian", which equates to believing without evidence (in a non-existence). IDIOT!

No jab? No entry. Australians have spent far too long in lockdowns to allow a self-opinionated, anti-science clown to flout rules. 

Novak Djokovic will be deported if he hasn't told truth, deputy PM says

World number one men's tennis player Novak Djokovic should be deported from Australia if he has not told the truth about his exemption from vaccination rules, the deputy prime minister says. Barnaby Joyce told the BBC that rich people "can't wander around the world thinking... they are above the laws".

Djokovic, who had travelled to play in the Australian Open, is in immigration detention after his entry was denied. The 34-year-old Serbian player, who has said he is opposed to vaccination, had been granted a medical exemption to play in the tournament in Melbourne for unspecified reasons, a decision that infuriated many Australians. 

The exemption was given by two independent medical panels organised by Tennis Australia, the body that runs the event, and Victoria state, tournament organisers said.

Quite right, Oz!

Novak Djokovic: Australia cancels top tennis player's visa: 

Djokovic has not spoken about his vaccination status, but last year he said he was "opposed to vaccination". After an outcry, his visa to enter Australia was dramatically revoked on his arrival in Melbourne.

The world number one was held in the city's airport for several hours before border forces announced he had not met entry rules and would be deported. He has reportedly now been taken to a government detention hotel pending his departure on an outbound flight. The developments come amid a backlash over a vaccine exemption Djokovic said he got to play in the Australian Open.

In a statement, the Australian Border Force said Djokovic "failed to provide appropriate evidence to meet the entry requirements to Australia, and his visa has been subsequently cancelled.