Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Sturgis Stupidity

⇐ 21-8-29 Predictably, the defiantly unwise Sturgis rally proved to be a super-spreader event.

⇐ 21-8-31 Worsening in South Dakota and
nearby states, but easing slightly in southeastern states

⇐ 21-9-1 Further worsening in South Dakota and nearby states, worsening in southeastern states. Florida's DeSantis fudging numbers downward

⇐ 21-9-3 Further worsening in South Dakota's nearby states, static in southeastern states (until Louisiana contacts during Ida increase numbers).

⇐ 21-9-9 Further worsening in South Dakota, slight improvement in some southeastern states (until Louisiana contacts during Ida increase numbers).

⇐ 21-9-9 Cases rising in low-vaccination states adjacent to South Dakota, slight improvement in some southeastern states. The USA has reached ~ 659,000 deaths.
                                                                              ⇐ 21-9-14 Worse and worse, alas.              
⇐ 21-9-14 States close to South Dakota are paying an increasing price for low vaccination rates. Fortunately, epidemics are easing in southern states, but low-vaccination states in the central east are worsening.        

USA as of 21-9-23:
42.5M cases; 680K Deaths

⇐ 21-9-29 States close to South Dakota are still paying a price for low vaccination rates. 

⇐ 21-10-3 States close to South Dakota continue to pay a price for low vaccination rates. 

⇐ 21-10-15 Under-vaccinated states close to South Dakota continue to pay the price of obdurate stupidity.

⇐ 21-10-21 And on it goes in unvaccinated areas. 
⇐ 21-10-27 And on, and on. 

⇐ 21-11-7 And on, and on. New Mexico appears paradoxical because it has relatively high vaccination rates. Within NM, cases are highest in 20-29 yr-olds and the Hispanic-Latino population.

⇐ 21-11-26 Sturgis-initiated wave finally diminishing in north western states --- just as Omicron is identified in South Africa. Omicron's infectivity appears to be higher than Delta, but virulence and mortality are not yet determinable.
USA as of 21-11-26 
Cases 48.1M +30,853
Deaths 777K +377

⇐ 21-11-30 Baseline before Omicron variant announced in USA

⇐ 21-9-1 Deaths are inversely correlated with vaccination rates as defiant wrong-wingers insist on "freedom" to spread COVID-19 and thus increase hospitalization and death.

⇐ 21-9-9 Deaths are still inversely correlated with vaccination rates as defiant wrong-wingers continue to insist on "freedom" to spread COVID-19 and thus increase hospitalization, death, and possibility of an even worse mutation (human copying error).

⇐ 21-9-14 Little improvement 

⇐ 21-9-29 Again, little improvement 

⇐ 21-10-21 Vaccination rates continue to be inversely correlated with functional IQ.

The maps above demonstrate that stupidity correlates with red states, and is not confined to South Dakota.

An overwhelming majority of Americans who have died in recent months were unvaccinated, with the latest COVID-19 deaths concentrated in the South.
The new and alarming surge of deaths this summer means that the coronavirus pandemic has become the deadliest in American history. [Remember the fuss that Americans made over almost 3,000 killed on 9/11?]

October 14, 2021 USA Total cases 44.8M +88,895 Deaths 722K +2,031
October 21, 2021 USA Total cases 45.2M +86,592 Deaths 732K +3,112 (= 9/11 per week)

⇐ 21-8-31 USA close to less-developed nations in infection and death rates.

⇐ 21-8-31 USA close to less-developed nations in infection and death rates.

⇐ 21-9-29 USA still close to less-developed nations in infection and death rates.

⇑ 21-10-21 Finally, the USA has improved, but the UK and Brazil remain problematic, and Russia is worsening.

⇐ 21-11-30 Nations reporting early cases of Omicron variant

⇐ 21-11-30 Global infection rate before all nations report early cases of Omicron variant

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