Friday, November 5, 2021

Go Back to School, Greta

Considering that uncooperative, obdurate, COP26-shunning China is the worst climate-crisis culprit, then COP26 was somewhat doomed. Further, participating nations are scarcely able to snap their fingers and implement the ""immediate and drastic" cuts to emissions" that madam demands.

There is a point where criticism-for-criticism's-sake is either useless or counter productive. Greta, if you don't have anything constructive to say (and you clearly don't), then you have outlived your usefulness to the climate. It would be more useful to shift your attention to China's dependence on coal for industrial productivity and the possibility of boycotts and sanctions against a nation that is unlikely to cut back on CO2-emissions unless forced to do so. 

Media, until Greta finds a useful line of attack, drop the excessive coverage of this demanding pint-sized 'activist'.

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