Monday, July 1, 2019

My Early July RANKINGS

... and a game of partially fill the Cabinet with current Democratic Candidates (plus Stacey Abrams & other non-runners) ... subject to change (and under construction)

President: Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren
Vice President: Pete Buttigieg (because experience will prepare him and a 2-woman ticket is unlikely to win in male-oriented America)

Stacey Abrams -- State
Elizabeth Warren  -- Treasury (if not president)
Kamala Harris (if she does not win the primary) -- State or Attorney General (?)
Julián Castro -- Homeland Security
Amy Klobuchar -- Transportation
Cory Booker -- HUD
Bennet -- Education
Bullock -- Agriculture
Tulsi Gabbard -- Defense
Kirsten Gillibrand -- Commerce
Hickenlooper -- Interior
Inslee -- Energy
Ryan -- Labor
Williamson -- Health and Human Services
Delaney -- Small Business
Moulton -- Veterans Affairs
Jon Tester -- Interior

Beto --  Senate
Bernie -- Senate
Biden -- ?
de Blasio  -- mayor
Yang -- ?

Donor Poll:
Broadest measure of support, Elizabeth Warren comes out on top with 68% of respondents listing her as their first choice, second choice, or someone they would consider, followed by Bernie Sanders at 57%, Kamala Harris at 40%, Pete Buttigieg at 38%, and Joe Biden at 26%. When asked if there were any candidates that they would not support, 34% named Joe Biden.

Warren’s popularity is impressively broad, Tom Vladeck, the managing director of Gradient Metrics, pointed out. She drew strong support from both 2016 Sanders donors and 2016 Clinton donors; big-dollar and small-dollar donors; older and younger donors; and women and men.

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