Friday, July 26, 2019

The Deplorable State of Politics in America

Politics and Prose justifiably deemed it necessary to disable comments on this exposé of dysfunction in the McConnell-obstructed RepuGNican-commandeered embarrassment that is the US Senate. 
"Bennet has represented Colorado in the U.S. Senate since 2009, earning a reputation as an independent thinker and a pragmatic centrist. In his closely observed analysis of today’s dysfunctional political landscape, he focuses on five key issues: the process for appointing judges, the recent tax cuts, the demise of the Iran nuclear agreement, the role of big money in politics, and immigration policies, examining each to illustrate exactly how and why partisan gridlock is undermining government. As he shows how much we’ve lost due to hyper-partisan politics, Bennet proposes specific ways we can re-establish a collaborative approach geared to helping all Americans rather than to benefiting one political party."

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