Saturday, August 31, 2019

And another :(

Another tragic dystopian disaster resulting from arming any resentful dimwit who wants a mass-killing device. .

Thursday, August 29, 2019

It's Official: The US political system is INSANE

FBI's James Comey broke rules with Trump DUHnocchio memo, says watchdog:

Never mind that Comey should not have mentioned Weiner's / HRC emails shortly before the 2016 election. Never mind that DUHnocchio is an incompetent, dangerous idiot unfit to hold the office of dog-catcher. Never mind that ............. on and on it goes. 

"Former FBI Director James Comey has been criticised in a Department of Justice report for the leak of memos on his interactions with President UNpresident Trump Idiot-in-Chief. An internal watchdog said Mr Comey had failed to "live up" to his duty to safeguard sensitive information. The watchdog said Comey broke FBI rules by giving a memo to a friend who shared its contents with a reporter. But the inspector general report it said it was not recommending that Comey be prosecuted for the breach."

Dim, Greedy, Racist = NO surprise

The surge of whites into the Republican RepuGNican Party has been led by whites with relatively high incomes — in the top two quintiles of the income distribution — but without college degrees, a constituency that is now decisively committed to the Republican RepuGNican Party.

Individuals in the low-education/high-income group tend to endorse authoritarian noneconomic policies and tend to oppose progressive economic policies. Small business owners and shopkeepers — particularly in construction, crafts, retail, and personal services — as well as some of their salaried associates populate this group.

Wrong Wingers seldom fool others for long

Italy crisis: PD and Five Star agree coalition deal after talks

Salvini's League party had been in power with the anti-establishment Five Star Movement for 14 months when he effectively ended the coalition, saying he could no longer work with his partners.

Both Salvini and Forza Italia leader Silvio Berlusconi called for fresh elections after meeting President Mattarella.
The leaders of Italy's centre-left Democratic Party (PD) and populist Five Star Movement have agreed to form a coalition government. It was agreed that Giuseppe Conte should stay on as prime minister. The planned joint administration will serve until the next scheduled elections in 2023.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

8 coercive control stages to murder of partner

Women account for more than 80% of victims killed by their partners - and most of the time, the partner [killer] is male.

Study ... looked at all cases on the Counting Dead Women website where the woman had had a relationship with the perpetrator - as well as several extra cases such as those of male victims killed by their male partners.

The eight steps discovered in almost every killing were:
  1. A pre-relationship history of stalking or abuse by the perpetrator
  2. The romance developing quickly into a serious relationship
  3. The relationship becoming dominated by coercive control
  4. A trigger to threaten the perpetrator's control - for example, the relationship ends or the perpetrator gets into financial difficulty
  5. Escalation - an increase in the intensity or frequency of the partner's control tactics, such as by stalking or threatening suicide
  6. The perpetrator has a change in thinking - choosing to move on, either through revenge or by homicide
  7. Planning - the perpetrator might buy weapons or seek opportunities to get the victim alone
  8. Homicide - the man kills his partner, and possibly hurts others such as the victim's children
The only instance where a stage in the model was not followed was when men did not meet stage one - but this was normally because they had not had a relationship before, she said.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Good for you, Greenland

How Donald Trump’s DUHnocchio's beyond-stupid proposal to buy Greenland really went down in Denmark:

"From a Danish perspective, US president Donald Trump’s UNpresident DUHnocchio's proposal to buy Greenland was ridiculous – on so many levels. The only place the idea was portrayed as a good idea was in cocky comments on social media referring to a lack of Greenlandic “thankfulness” or downright “ungratefulness” towards Denmark.

In general, the public debate has been framed around the understanding that the Greenlanders are their own people. They decide their own destiny. That said, the ties between Denmark and Greenland run deeper than a marriage of convenience. Quite a few people living in Denmark have spent time living and working in Greenland, and many of these will have been appalled by Trump’s Idiot-in-Chief's ignorant advances.

Experts of international politics, though, have drawn attention to the symbolic relevance of Trump’s Buffoon-in-Chief's offer. Attention from the US president UNpresident is a reminder of how important the Arctic region, and thereby Greenland and Denmark, have become in global affairs – a new situation, which should be taken seriously.

Nonetheless, the fact that Trump Agent Orange has now cancelled his official visit to Denmark because prime minister Mette Frederiksen rejected his offer leaves an understanding gap between the Danes and the US government that is hard to bridge. It’s difficult to see where the two nations go from here, given the highly unusual situation."

Greenland: dRUMPf is warned that island cannot be bought from Denmark .   

Greenland has said it is "not for sale" after President Donald Trump the Usurper-in-Chief stated that he would like the US to buy the world's biggest island. The president usurper is said to have discussed the idea of purchasing Greenland, an autonomous Danish territory, during dinners and meetings with advisers.

But Greenland's government dismissed the [preposterous] idea, saying: "We're open for business, not for sale."

dRUMPf's plans have also been quickly dismissed by politicians in Denmark. "It must be an April Fool's Day joke...but totally out of [season]!", tweeted former Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen.

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), which first reported the news, said Mr Trump dRUMPf had spoken about the purchase with "varying degrees of seriousness".

Sources quoted in other media differed over whether the president Usurper-in-Chief  was joking or seriously hoping to expand US territory.

Officials in Greenland have insisted that the island is not on the market.

"Greenland is rich in valuable resources such as minerals, the purest water and ice, fish stocks, seafood, renewable energy and is a new frontier for adventure tourism. We're open for business, not for sale," the foreign ministry said in a statement shared on social media.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Toxic masculinity sample, August '19

Sampling some of the violent crimes of white males in August, 2019. In the meantime, I stumbled across zero accounts of physically-violent or sexually-deviant crimes perpetrated by females.

To close out the month, another male unable/unwilling to control his anger:

Seven people were killed and at least 22 injured in the attack, which came four weeks after another gunman killed 22 people in the Texas city of El Paso. The suspected gunman in Saturday's mass shooting in Texas had been fired that morning, and called police and the FBI before his attack, US media report.

Odessa Police Chief Michael Gerke reportedly said both the shooter and his company rang 911 after he was fired but he left before police arrived. FBI agent Christopher Combs described his phone statements as "rambling".

"This did not happen because he was fired," said Mr Combs. "He showed up to work enraged." Authorities have named the suspected attacker as [white, American] 36-year-old Seth Aaron Ator. Chief Gerke said he had worked at Journey Oilfield Services.

Non-profit research group Gun Violence Archive says nearly 10,000 people have died in US shootings this year

White American males:
Two US mass shootings in 24 hours .
A six-year-old boy was thrown five floors from the 10th floor of the Tate Modern art gallery in central London, police said. He landed on a fifth floor roof and was taken to hospital by air ambulance after he fell at about 14:45 BST on Sunday. The boy's condition is described as critical.

A 17-year-old boy has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder, the Met Police said.

Boy admits teenager's murder:
Ellie, a Year 12 pupil at Hardenhuish School in Chippenham, was found with stab wounds at a house in Springfield Drive, Calne, Wiltshire on 3 May. Thomas Griffiths, 17 [whose photo oozes evil], will be sentenced on 8 November over the killing. .

A Common Trait Among Mass Killers: Hatred Toward Women:

The man who shot nine people to death last weekend in Dayton, Ohio, seethed at female classmates and threatened them with violence.

The man who massacred 49 people in an Orlando nightclub in 2016 beat his wife while she was pregnant, she told authorities.

The man who killed 26 people in a church in Sutherland Springs, Tex., in 2017 had been convicted of domestic violence. His ex-wife said he once told her that he could bury her body where no one would ever find it.

The motivations of men who commit mass shootings are often muddled, complex or unknown. But one common thread that connects many of them — other than access to powerful firearms — is a history of hating women, assaulting wives, girlfriends and female family members, or sharing misogynistic views online, researchers say.
The fact that mass shootings are almost exclusively perpetrated by men is “missing from the national conversation,” said Gov. Gavin Newsom of California on Monday. “Why does it have to be, why is it men, dominantly, always?” 

[The lonely X chromosome with only a piddly Y for company? Testosterone effect (the monster hormone), in utero and/or post-natal? The fact that more males than females suffer a number of psychological maladaptations, including poor anger control and comparatively delayed emotional maturation? The phenomenon of toxic-authoritarian-male socialization? Homoauthoritarianism? Where I define homoauthoritarianism (updated neologism) as non-erotic or erotic preference for own sex exhibited by power-hungry, authoritarian males who regard women variously as recreational vehicles, brood mares, and/or fit only for domestic servitude. A combination of the above?]
Connor Betts, 24, murdered nine people in Dayton, including his own sister. ... History of antagonism and threats toward women ... offbeat and awkward; ... dark rages and obsession with guns.

Those rages were frequently directed at female acquaintances. In high school, Mr. Betts made a list threatening violence or sexual violence against its targets, most of whom were girls, classmates have said. His threats were frightening enough that some girls altered their behavior: Try not to attract his attention, but don’t antagonize him, either.
Shannon Watts, the founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, cited a statistic that belies the sense that mass shootings are usually random: In more than half of all mass shootings in the United States from 2009 to 2017, an intimate partner or family member of the perpetrator was among the victims.

(The study, by the gun control advocacy group Everytown for Gun Safety, defined mass shootings as those in which four or more people died, not including the gunman.)

Most mass shootings are rooted in domestic violence,” Ms. Watts said. “Most mass shooters have a history of domestic or family violence in their background. It’s an important red flag.”
Federal law prohibits people convicted of certain domestic violence crimes, and some abusers who are subject to protective orders, from buying or owning guns. But there are many loopholes, and women in relationships who are not married to, do not live with, or have children with their abusers receive no protection. Federal law also does not provide a mechanism for actually removing guns from abusers, and only some states have enacted such procedures.

[No wonder the USA is such a dysfunctional society in comparison to other Western nations. Great? No way!]
A gunman opened fire on the Al-Noor Islamic Centre, on the outskirts of the capital Oslo, on 19-8-10. One person in the mosque managed to overpower the gunman and was injured in the process. The suspect -- a white Norwegian citizen of "around 20 years old" -- was arrested after the attack.

Police also charged the suspect with murder after his 17-year-old stepsister was found dead in a separate location.
The suspect appeared "to hold "far-right far-wrong" and "anti-immigrant" views and had expressed sympathy for Vidkun Quisling, the [infamous, traitorous, autocratic] leader of Norway's collaborationist government during the Nazi occupation.

The parents of three teenagers who deliberately trashed a model railway exhibition worth £30,000 have been ordered to pay compensation. The Market Deeping Model Railway Club display was damaged at Welland Academy in Stamford, Lincolnshire, on 18 May.

The boys brats, and a fourth defendant, shared a bottle of vodka as part of a "pre-exam night out" before going on a "rampage", a court heard. Lincoln Youth Court heard the youths had deliberately pushed tables over. The court heard the teenagers had decided to play football in the gym and continued despite displays being destroyed. They also threw parts of displays at the wall. After police were called due to the school's alarm system, the teenagers were found in the toilets and arrested.

The four 16-year-old boys brats, who cannot be named for legal reasons, admitted criminal damage. Three of them were handed 12-month referral orders and their parents were also ordered to pay £500 in compensation. A fourth boy was told he would be sentenced on 2 September. .

Disgusting pornographer, disgusting viewers:

A man has been arrested in Madrid on suspicion of taking upskirt videos of more than 550 women and posting much of the content online. The 53-year-old Colombian man allegedly filmed the videos on a mobile phone hidden in a backpack. Police say he then uploaded at least 283 videos to pornographic websites, racking up millions of views.

Many of the 555 victims - some of which were underage - were targeted on the capital's Metro system. .

19-8-30 Peterborough fire: Five arrested over Whirlpool HQ blaze: Five teenagers [probably all males] have been arrested on suspicion of arson after a massive blaze engulfed Whirlpool HQ in Peterborough.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Police Plague of Protection of Potential Perpetrators

What part of the statistics on harassment, rapes, assaults, murders and mass-shootings, which daily demonstrate that "too many males are potentially-violent, entitled pr*cks" do police departments not understand?
"“I’m being bullied by a 6’3” man,” ... “Bullied to the point I’m afraid.”
Five days after posting that message, Ms. Kanarek was shot several times. ... She was taken for emergency surgery. ... Her condition was not made public.
The police arrested Michael Barisone, 54, the Olympic dressage riding coach and owner of the farm. He was charged on Thursday with two counts of attempted murder.

And so he should .

Homogeneity vs Diversity

Sorting has occurred on both sides, but the Republican Party RepuGNican Partisanship has tended more toward homogeneity: whiter, more Christian and more conservative CONservative. Democrats are a far more diverse party. So although the term “identity politics” is often wielded to criticize the Democrats for focusing on race and gender, Republicans RepuGNicans are typically more susceptible to appeals based on their shared identity than Democrats, according to research by Julie Wronski and Lilliana Mason, political scientists at the University of Mississippi and the University of Maryland, College Park. .

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

NRA-bought GOP-partisans are accessories to mayhem

Nearly 40,000 People Died From Guns in U.S. Last Year, Highest in 50 Years .

1,196 killed (from Jan 1 to August 1, 2019):
"The people who were killed came from nearly every imaginable race, religion and socioeconomic background. Their ages range from the unborn to the elderly; 190 were children and teenagers. In addition, thousands of survivors were left with devastating injuries, shattered families and psychological scars."

Saturday, August 3, 2019

America is NOT great

Unequal wealth and bullying power =/= greatness.
Active shooter near El Paso mall > .

Excessive gun violence and emotionally-disturbed individuals easily able to purchase arsenals of assault rifles and ammunition.
Excessively expensive non-universal healthcare. 
RepuGNican politicians in thrall to corporate greed.
Giving an election to a treasonous, corrupt, stupid, incompetent, immature megalomaniacal autocrat and a Badministration wielding excessive, planet-damaging power.
Excessive self-worshiping pride despite a lamentable history of massacre of natives and importation of slaves, greed-inspired revolution, greed-inspired civil war, religionist-inspired criminal-promoting Prohibition, greed-inspired anti-communist withchunt, endemic racism, endemic misogyny, endemic homophobia, very low general educational standards, excessive reverence for authoritarian religionism, ET CETERA.

NOT great in anything but corruption and military power. 

Friday, August 2, 2019

Appeal of Democratic Socialism

Despite the fact that the USA is divided by states overflowing with selfish, greedy, authoritarians.

Broad geographic support for progressive policies .

Dendrochronology of Immigration to USA

People emigrate because the destination is perceived as superior to country they are leaving. Hence, the dramatic reduction in immigration to the USA from western nations with superior societies. .

Way To Go Lib Dems!

Brecon and Radnorshire by-election: Lib Dems beat Conservatives:
It was the first electoral test for Boris Johnson since becoming manipulating his way into being prime minister.

Now, with a particularly wafer-thin working majority, he Boris will have to rely heavily on the support of his own MPs and his confidence-and-supply partners the DUP to get any legislation passed in key votes. 

Ms Dodds, who is the Welsh Liberal Democrat leader, said: "My very first act as your new MP when I get to Westminster will be to find Mr Boris Johnson, wherever he's hiding, and tell him to stop playing with the future of our community and rule out a no-deal BrexTWIT".

It was also a bad night for Labour, whose vote share dropped by 12.4% as they were beaten into fourth place by the BrexTWIT Party.

Thursday, August 1, 2019