Friday, August 2, 2019

Way To Go Lib Dems!

Brecon and Radnorshire by-election: Lib Dems beat Conservatives:
It was the first electoral test for Boris Johnson since becoming manipulating his way into being prime minister.

Now, with a particularly wafer-thin working majority, he Boris will have to rely heavily on the support of his own MPs and his confidence-and-supply partners the DUP to get any legislation passed in key votes. 

Ms Dodds, who is the Welsh Liberal Democrat leader, said: "My very first act as your new MP when I get to Westminster will be to find Mr Boris Johnson, wherever he's hiding, and tell him to stop playing with the future of our community and rule out a no-deal BrexTWIT".

It was also a bad night for Labour, whose vote share dropped by 12.4% as they were beaten into fourth place by the BrexTWIT Party.

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