Thursday, August 29, 2019

It's Official: The US political system is INSANE

FBI's James Comey broke rules with Trump DUHnocchio memo, says watchdog:

Never mind that Comey should not have mentioned Weiner's / HRC emails shortly before the 2016 election. Never mind that DUHnocchio is an incompetent, dangerous idiot unfit to hold the office of dog-catcher. Never mind that ............. on and on it goes. 

"Former FBI Director James Comey has been criticised in a Department of Justice report for the leak of memos on his interactions with President UNpresident Trump Idiot-in-Chief. An internal watchdog said Mr Comey had failed to "live up" to his duty to safeguard sensitive information. The watchdog said Comey broke FBI rules by giving a memo to a friend who shared its contents with a reporter. But the inspector general report it said it was not recommending that Comey be prosecuted for the breach."

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