Sunday, December 20, 2020

C*N*servative, Pedophile, Both?

Cardinal Pell says his [odious] conservative views drove public against him.

George Pell, the Australian cardinal whose conviction for child abuse was overturned [NB, "overturned" means that the verdict was judged "unsafe". The decision does NOT automatically exonerate Pell by making liars of all who came forward to accuse him of child sexual abuse] this year, has said his [moralistic control-freak] "conservative Christian" views drove public opinion against him.

[Unsafe, not exoneration?] In his appeal to the High Court, the cleric argued that the jury's verdict had relied too heavily on evidence from the surviving victim. His lawyers did not try to discredit that testimony, but argued that other evidence had not been properly considered.

Speaking Whining to the BBC, the 79-year-old [shifted blame from his worst transgressions when he] said there was "no doubt" that his direct style and "traditional" [read, intolerant authoritarian] approach to issues such as abortion had contributed to a hostile atmosphere. The former Vatican treasurer said he would NOT apologise for those views.

[Actually, Pell, I suspect that I am NOT the only person who distrusts the sexual history of those who rise high in the Pedophile Protection Agency.]

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