Sunday, December 13, 2020

More homoauthoritarian bile

In September 1970, Harper's Magazine published an article by Joseph Epstein called "Homo/Hetero: The Struggle for Sexual Identity" that used the N-word to describe being gay and was criticized for its perceived blatant homophobia. Epstein wrote that he considered homosexuality "a curse, in a literal sense" and that his sons could do nothing to make him sadder than "if any of them were to become homosexual." 

[Clearly, Epstein was ignorant of realities. Individuals are born with innate sexual proclivities. Although they might choose not to act on their urges, they do not "become homosexual". Unsurprisingly, research has demonstrated that many of the most virulent homophobes struggle against their own homoerotic urges. Hm.] 

Gay activists characterized the essay as portraying every gay man the author met, or fantasized about meeting, as predatory, sex-obsessed, and a threat to civilization. In the essay, he says that, if possible, "I would wish homosexuality off the face of the earth", a statement that was interpreted by gay writer and editor Merle Miller as a call to genocide. A sit-in took place at Harper's by members of the Gay Activists Alliance.

In 2015, Epstein wrote an article for the Washington Examiner in which he mentioned the Harper's article from 1970. He wrote, "I am pleased the tolerance [not "acceptance, but "tolerance"] for homosexuality has widened in America and elsewhere, that in some respects my own aesthetic sensibility favors much homosexual artistic production [rather an insult to "homosexual artistic production", a term not used widely because it is inherently homophobic] ... My only hope now is that, on my gravestone, the words Noted Homophobe aren’t carved."

In an opinion piece published online on 20-12-11 in Wall Street Journal, Joseph Epstein, addressed Dr. Jill Biden as “kiddo” and offered her advice on “what may seem like a small but I think is a not unimportant matter.”

“Any chance you might drop the ‘Dr.’ before your name?” he wrote. “‘Dr. Jill Biden’ sounds and feels fraudulent, not to say a touch comic.”

He also critiqued the title of Biden's dissertation, "Student Retention at the Community College Level: Meeting Students' Needs", calling it "unpromising". His former employer, Northwestern University, released a statement condemning Epstein's opinions, writing, "Northwestern is firmly committed to equity, diversity and inclusion, and strongly disagrees with Mr. Epstein’s misogynistic views," and noted that he had not been employed to teach a course there since 2002.

If the reaction from Dr. Biden’s spokesman and from legions of women in academia is any indication, the answer is: not a chance.

“Some men are so threatened by educated women,” said Audrey Truschke, an associate professor of South Asian history at Rutgers University, who called Mr. Epstein’s piece a “misogynist, self-absorbed screed.” On Saturday, she was among a number of women who added Dr. to their names on Twitter in solidarity with Dr. Biden.

Michael LaRosa, a spokesman for Dr. Biden, called Mr. Epstein’s piece a “disgusting and sexist attack” and urged The Journal to remove it and apologize to Dr. Biden. Mr. Epstein declined to comment for this article. The Journal did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Saturday evening.

The raw nerve touched by the piece underscored the enduring power of the title — two letters that convey accomplishment, respect and authority.

In the 19th century, the title was widely contested, and people were sued for using “doctor” on calling cards or advertisements if they hadn’t graduated from a recognized medical school, according to Naomi Rogers, a professor of the history of medicine at Yale University.

[If Epstein, who does not boast a PhD, had cautioned Jill Biden for (unlike many with PhDs) confusingly using a term which the public associates with a particular profession, he might have appeared less of a jealous boor.] 

[Homoauthoritarianism (updated neologism) = non-erotic or erotic preference for own sex exhibited by power-hungry, authoritarian males who regard women variously as recreational vehicles, brood mares, and/or fit only for domestic servitude.]

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