Friday, February 26, 2021

Conservative Legal Consequences

Wrong-wing commenters are delighted ...

Shamima Begum cannot return to UK to fight for citizenship, supreme court rules > .

Shamima Begum, who fled Britain as a schoolgirl to join Islamic State in Syria, lost her case before the supreme court on Friday. The president of the court, Lord Reed, said its judges had unanimously decided to rule in favour of the home secretary on all counts before it. That means the 21-year-old will not be able to re-enter the UK to fight her case in person and will not have her citizenship restored while she is being detained in Syria.

[She strikes me as a dim, unrepentant twit who is either a liar, very dangerous to her children, or both. But is she a great danger to the British public? Presumably, the home secretary knows more than the press does.]

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Chimeric Cardinal

bilateral gynandromorphism .

I have a better idea

Let's NOT post any of Murdoch's News Corps stories on social media platforms anywhere ..........

21-2-17 Google to pay Murdoch's News Corporation for stories: Google has agreed to pay Rupert Murdoch's News Corp for content from news sites across its media empire. News Corporation said it would be sharing its stories in exchange for "significant payments". Murdoch has long called for Google and other internet platforms to pay media companies for their output. Amid mounting pressure from lawmakers in Australia and elsewhere, Google last year said it would start to pay some publishers for stories.

21-2-24 Australia passes law to make Google and Facebook pay for news: Australia has passed a world-first law aimed at making Google and Facebook pay for news content on their platforms. The news code legislation had been fiercely opposed by the US tech giants. 

Last week Facebook blocked all news content to Australians over the row, but reversed its decision this week after negotiations with the government. Following those talks, the law passed with new amendments which make it possible for Facebook and Google not to be subject to the code.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

The Goddess does not like Texas

If its not cheaply-inadequate power-grids collapsing as an indirect result of AGW, its disasters due, presumably, to inadequate infrastructure ...

Texas train carrying fuel in flames after crossing collision: A goods train transporting petrol has burst into flames after colliding with a lorry at a level crossing in the US state of Texas, police say. According to local media reports, at least three sections of the train caught fire and some units had left the tracks.

Footage of the incident in the city of Cameron, in Milam County, showed thick black smoke streaming across the sky. Nearby homes had to be evacuated and at least one property was destroyed by fire, police said. The vehicle's driver and the people on board the train escaped unharmed and no injuries have been reported.

Kick the cook out of the kitchen

Scarcely surprising ...

China [the oven] has banned BBC World News [the cook] from broadcasting in the country, its television and radio regulator announced on Thursday. China has criticised the BBC for its reporting on coronavirus and the persecution of ethnic minority Uighurs.

Since China cannot prevent BBC World News from broadcasting outside China, its aim is clearly to prevent its citizens from directly learning social-discontent-increasing facts. Needless to say, citizens can learn indirectly from a world awash with awareness.

Bottom line? Just as criminals hate those who expose their crimes, China's government attempted to cover-up the unregulated-risky-practices emergence of SARS-CoV-2, and resents having been exposed. China's government is performing cultural-genocide on a subjugated population, and resents having been exposed. China's government is now eliminating a critical "voice". 

Here's the basic dilemma. Free speech protects socially-destabilizing LIES. Censorship protects governmental abuses.

When Gender Turns Tragic

Gender-Biological-sex-reveal device explosion kills father-to-be

A father-to-be from New York state has died after a device he was building for his child's gender-biological-sex-reveal party exploded, according to police. [Wording changed because "gender" has become a fluid, politically-charged battleground.]

Christopher Pekny, 28, was assembling the device in the town of Liberty when it exploded just before noon on Sunday. Police said the blast killed Mr Pekny and injured his brother Michael Pekny, 27, who was taken to hospital.

Biological-sex-reveal parties can include prediction games, with the "big reveal" being made with fireworks and coloured smoke grenades. Police have not specified what device caused Sunday's explosion. New York's state police department and its bomb disposal unit are investigating the incident. A spokesman for state police told the New York Times the device consisted of some kind of pipe, without giving further details.

The death is the latest in a string of catastrophes to be linked to gender-biological-sex-reveal parties in recent years.

The dangers of gender reveal parties: A man from Michigan was killed earlier this month after he was struck by shrapnel from "a small cannon type device" fired during a baby shower, police said. Two other gender-reveal parties were blamed for sparking [deadly] wildfires in California in September 2020, and Arizona in April 2017. The El Dorado fire in California burned more than 19,000 acres, destroyed houses, and forced hundreds to flee their homes. The Sawmill fire in Arizona burned nearly 47,000 acres and caused more than $8 million in damage.

When Gender Turns Tragic? Male-gendered, biological males take excessive pride in the results of a few minutes of pleasurable effort. It's time to grow up and stop blowing things up, peeps.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Sick Country

Three less gun-nuts

Three people have been killed and two injured in a shooting at a gun outlet in the US state of Louisiana. The local sheriff said an "initial shooter" opened fire, striking two people, which prompted several others at the shop to fire their own weapons. The two people and the initial gunman were killed. .

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Back to Nothingness

"Only the good die young" reflects the attitudes of victims of malfeasants and hatred-spewers such as this purveyor of vitriol and LIES.

Rush Limbaugh, Conservative Radio Host, Dies At Age 70 | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC > .

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh has died at the age of 70 according to an announcement on his radio show. He was a strong supporter of former President Trump and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom after he announced he was battling lung cancer.

MSNBC turned off comments because Democrats were understandably pleased by the news of the death of a SPEWER of anti-liberal HATRED.

Rush Limbaugh, Talk Radio’s Conservative Provocateur, Dies at 70: A longtime favorite of the right wrong, he was a furious critic of Barack Obama and a full-throated cheerleader for [the worst, most corrupt, most treasonous, most ignorant, most incompetent, most personality-disordered UNpresident in US history].

What McConnell SHOULD have said

Al Recreates McConnell’s Post-Acquittal Impeachment Speech (Feb 17, 2021) - AlFr > .

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Against excessive deference to Popper

This article reminds me of an argument with a well-respected science YTuber. 

The abuses of Popper: A powerful cadre of scientists and economists sold Karl Popper’s ‘falsification’ idea to the world. They have much to answer for

Friday, February 12, 2021

The infantile credulity of tRUMPsuckers

Jason Stanley: [disgusting, propagandistic] 2 Min. Vid Help Incite the Jan. 6 Rioters? > .

Historian Heather Cox Richardson

Historian Heather Cox Richardson Says tRUMP Could Be Convicted >

Conventional wisdom predicts [treasonous tRUMP] won’t be convicted, but Heather Cox Richardson says: Not so fast. The historian and Boston College professor’s thoughtful daily digest, "Letters from an American," has become a hugely popular analysis of modern American politics. As she explains to Walter Isaacson, she believes simple math could help the Democrats win a conviction.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Superstition Kills

This is tragic and utterly pointless. All for a silly Abrahamic ritual. If believers feel they must inflict baptism on un-consenting babies, then dampen the poor little mites' heads with "holy" water.

"The Orthodox Church in Romania is facing growing pressure to change baptism rituals after a baby died following a ceremony which involves immersing infants three times in holy water. [Waterboarding newborns? How Christian!]

The six-week-old suffered a cardiac arrest and was rushed to hospital on Monday but he died a few hours later, the autopsy revealing liquid in his lungs. Prosecutors have opened a manslaughter investigation against the priest in the north-eastern city of Suceava." .

Duplicitous LIAR

Vitriolic "RepuGNican lawmaker Marjorie Taylor Greene has expressed regret for past incendiary comments and support for conspiracy theories." [translation: Greene does not want to face the consequences that she deserves]

"Her comments LIES at the US House of Representatives come as lawmakers gather for a vote on whether to strip her of committee assignments today. 

"I was allowed [Allowed? By whom? By political advisors? By equally-demented, equally-nasty voters?] to believe things that weren't true," [Is this a permanent retraction of the conspiracy-theory untruths that she has happily perpetuated to attract attention and the worst of voters? Unlikely. If she's allowed to stay on committees where, by dint of venomous stupidity she does not belong, she will return to spewing LIES] she said. "And that is absolutely what I regret." [translation: I regret that promulgating LIES threatens to backfire, so I am demonstrating my lack of ideological consistency by changing LIE]

"Greene stopped short of an apology, and cast blame on the media." [Of course she did. Sociopaths don't apologize, sociopaths don't learn, sociopaths care only about rigging the system for their own benefit.]

"But she did not specifically apologise for past rhetoric, widely construed as racist and anti-Semitic." [Of course not. Although she can change LIE at will, deeply-held, visceral antagonisms are difficult to overcome --- even by those who wish to shed prejudice, which she almost certainly does not.]
Hurrah! A tiny step in the correct direction ........
House Exiles Greene From Panels Despite G.O.P. Objections: Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene was effectively stripped of her influence for endorsing conspiracy theories and the executions of Democrats.

Future Cannon Fodder

China promotes education drive to make boys more 'manly' [read, good little aggressive cannon fodder]

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

I should think so ...

Canada adds Proud Boys to terrorist list - CBC >

Canada designates Proud Boys Arrogant Infants as terrorist organization beside Isis and al-Qaida: Move follows allegations that the rightwing wrong-wing group played a [key] role in the mob attack on the US Capitol on 21-1-6

"On Wednesday Bill Blair, public safety minister, also announced the federal government would designate the white nationalist and neo-Nazi groups the Atomwaffen Division, the Base and the Russian Imperial Movement as terrorist entities. The federal government also added offshoots of al-Qaida, Isis and Hizbul Mujahedin to its list.

“Canada will not tolerate ideological, religious or politically motivated acts of violence,” Blair said."
Ahead of the announcement, Canadian officials told reporters that they had been monitoring the Proud Boys Arrogant Infants before the Capitol Hill attack, but the event helped with the decision to list the organization.

The Proud Boys Arrogant Infants were founded in 2016 by the Canadian Gavin McInnes, a co-founder of Vice magazine. The New York Times has described McInnes as a "far-right [far-wrong] provocateur." The group first made headlines in Canada three years ago, after five military reservists, dressed in the group’s black and yellow shirts, disrupted a protest by the Indigenous community over a controversial statue. The group was banned by Facebook and Instagram in October 2018 after violating the platforms’ hate policies and is classified as an extremist organization by the FBI.

The terrorist designation does not necessarily make it a crime to be a member of these groups, but it does mean that the group’s assets could be seized or forfeited by Canadian authorities.

[Canada has balls. It remains to be seen whether the USA will grow some cojones.]

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Farewell, Captain Sir Tom

Remembering Captain Sir Tom Moore - BBC >

This is sad, but he had a good long run ...

21-1-2 Captain Sir Tom Moore dies with coronavirus - BBC:

Captain Sir Tom Moore has been admitted to hospital with coronavirus, his daughter has said. The 100-year-old, who raised almost £33m for the NHS, was taken to Bedford Hospital after requiring help with his breathing.