Wednesday, February 24, 2021

I have a better idea

Let's NOT post any of Murdoch's News Corps stories on social media platforms anywhere ..........

21-2-17 Google to pay Murdoch's News Corporation for stories: Google has agreed to pay Rupert Murdoch's News Corp for content from news sites across its media empire. News Corporation said it would be sharing its stories in exchange for "significant payments". Murdoch has long called for Google and other internet platforms to pay media companies for their output. Amid mounting pressure from lawmakers in Australia and elsewhere, Google last year said it would start to pay some publishers for stories.

21-2-24 Australia passes law to make Google and Facebook pay for news: Australia has passed a world-first law aimed at making Google and Facebook pay for news content on their platforms. The news code legislation had been fiercely opposed by the US tech giants. 

Last week Facebook blocked all news content to Australians over the row, but reversed its decision this week after negotiations with the government. Following those talks, the law passed with new amendments which make it possible for Facebook and Google not to be subject to the code.

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