Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Kick the cook out of the kitchen

Scarcely surprising ...

China [the oven] has banned BBC World News [the cook] from broadcasting in the country, its television and radio regulator announced on Thursday. China has criticised the BBC for its reporting on coronavirus and the persecution of ethnic minority Uighurs.

Since China cannot prevent BBC World News from broadcasting outside China, its aim is clearly to prevent its citizens from directly learning social-discontent-increasing facts. Needless to say, citizens can learn indirectly from a world awash with awareness.

Bottom line? Just as criminals hate those who expose their crimes, China's government attempted to cover-up the unregulated-risky-practices emergence of SARS-CoV-2, and resents having been exposed. China's government is performing cultural-genocide on a subjugated population, and resents having been exposed. China's government is now eliminating a critical "voice". 

Here's the basic dilemma. Free speech protects socially-destabilizing LIES. Censorship protects governmental abuses.

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