Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Extremist Authoritarian Religionism = Hellish Medievalism

.attacking ideas | changing view of Islam - Theramin > .
2-8-27  The Taliban is Lying, Don't Believe Them - Johnny Harris > .

Afghanistan crisis: Unclear if ruthless Taliban will change, says US general 

The top US general has described the Taliban as a "ruthless group" and says it is unclear whether they will change. [imo, the only change will comprise their becoming more and more oppressively violent, particularly to women]

US forces withdrew from Afghanistan on Tuesday, ending America's longest war 20 years after launching an invasion to oust the Taliban. The Islamists are now in control and expected to announce a new government. The Taliban's lightning advance sparked off a frenetic effort to evacuate thousands of foreign nationals and local Afghans who had been working for them.

US President Joe Biden has been widely criticised over the abrupt manner of the withdrawal, which led to the unexpected collapse of the Afghan security forces the US had trained and funded for years.

In the news conference on Wednesday, both Gen Milley and Secretary Austin praised the troops who had served in Afghanistan and the massive evacuation mission.

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