Wednesday, September 1, 2021

It's official -- the USA is terminally stupid

[In face of the alarming levels of wrong-wing partisan hysteria in the US, non-RepuGNicans have been urged not to call RepuGNicans "stupid". I make no apologies ---- too many of them ARE blindingly stupid.]  

A judge in Ohio ordered a hospital to treat a COVID-19 patient with [ineffective, potentially harmful] ivermectin, despite warnings from experts that the anti-parasitic drug has not proved effective against the virus and can be dangerous in large doses.

Ivermectin is most commonly used against parasites in livestock animals including horses and cows. It is also used in humans, against some parasitic worms and external parasites like head lice. [Rather apt, though useless against COVID-19.]

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned that “taking large doses of this drug is dangerous and can cause serious harm”.

But amid widespread resistance to public health mandates and vaccines, particularly on the political right wrong, amid a surge in hospitalisations and deaths due to the Delta variant and in light of testimony from some [apparently demented] doctors, ivermectin has found advocates as a treatment for COVID-19.

Research, however, has not shown that ivermectin can prevent or treat COVID-19. One of the largest trials for the drug was halted earlier this month by a data safety monitoring board, because the drug proved no more effective than a placebo.

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