Friday, October 11, 2019

DUHnocchio Is Mentally Unfit

Trump DUHnocchio Is Mentally Unfit, No Exam Needed: Three mental health professionals who contributed to “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump DUHnocchio” cite recent actions that confirm their worries.

"We have found ample evidence of his instability and grandiosity in the UNpresident’s own words and public statements, most recently confirmed in his referring to “my great and unmatched wisdom,” coupled with yet another threat to “totally destroy and obliterate” a foreign country.

Mr. Trump’s Thug-in-Chief's now familiar affinity for violence is manifest in his verbal threats and his incitement to violence at his rallies. He reacts viscerally and without reflection or consultation, now claiming “treason” and an attempted “coup.” As he confronts the humiliating prospect of impeachment, his psychological deterioration represents a clear and imminent risk.

Our observations are not “diagnosing” and do not refer to mental illness; rather, they speak to a lack of fitness that can be determined based on sufficient sources outside of a personal examination."

N.B. There is nothing magic about a psychological assessment such that only qualified (officially sanctioned) mental health professionals can reach an accurate assessment of an individuals mental fitness. After all, assessments are based on observation of statements and behavior. Any unbiased observer acquainted with news coverage and with a modicum of awareness of human emotions and behavior is capable of detecting DUHnocchio's flagrant dysfunctions

By extension, the biased individuals who cheer Agent Orange's vitriolic ramblings at his flatter-my-inflated-ego rallies display matching personality and cognitive dysfunctions. It's such a shame that they cannot be deported to an isolated island where they can play at being lords of the flies.

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