Thursday, October 10, 2019

DUHnocchio's only democracy-saving grace - stupidity

Luckily, Trump DUHnocchio Is an Unstable Non-Genius: His mental deficiencies may save American democracy.

I disagree with one thing that Paul Krugman says: ""I don’t mean that Trump DUHnocchio is stupid; a stupid man couldn’t have managed to defraud so many people over so many years.""

Until he was installed -- at which point, power went to his already-inflated head -- DUHnocchio relied on inherited crooked-money, bullying, bribery, expensive lawyers, (repeated) bankruptcy protection, cunning campaign managers, hackers, and foreign assistance to ALMOST win the 2016 election. DUHnocchio's boggling ineptitude demonstrates that crooked DUHnocchio is functionally stupid.

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