Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Non-existence as Co-Conspirator

God Is Now Trump’s DUHnocchio's Co-Conspirator: Bigotry, both racial and religious, is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Crook-in-Chief's "response to his [self-inflicted] predicament has been to ramp up the ugliness in an effort to rally his [deplorable] base. The racism has gotten even more explicit, the paranoia about the deep state more extreme. But who makes up Trump’s Pervert-in-Chief's base? The usual answer is working-class whites, but a deeper dive into the data suggests that it’s more specific: It’s really proselytizing pseudo-Christian evangelical  working-class whites who are staying with Trump Criminal-in-Chief despite growing evidence of his malfeasance and unsuitability for high office.

And at a more elite level, while a vast majority of Republican RepuGNican politicians have meekly fallen in line behind Trump Agent Orange, his truly enthusiastic support comes from "religious" leaders like Jerry Falwell Jr., who have their own ethical issues, but have called on their followers to “render to God and Trump Wanna-be-Deity-in-Chief.

Patriotism, Samuel Johnson famously declared, is the last refuge of scoundrels. But for all his talk of America first, that’s not a refuge that works very well for Trump Traitor-in-Chief, with his subservience to foreign autocrats and, most recently, his shameful betrayal of the Kurds. 

So Trump Wanna-be-Dicktator is instead taking shelter behind bigotry — racial, of course, but now religious as well."

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