Saturday, November 23, 2019

Functional Governments INDICT Corrupt Officials

Functional Governments INDICT Corrupt Officials. Dysfunctional Governments (e.g. Brazil's) INVENT charges against dangerously pro-populace officials.

No functionality for newly-3rd-world America, of course. No, despite recent events, Americans continue to flatter themselves that, having rid themselves of a monarch, they would never again be ruled by an autocratic despot. Instead, they revere celebrities, worship wealth, uncritically worship the Constitution, pay excessive homage to religiosity, and have elevated the presidency (and the current corrupt occupant) to an autocratic position above the law.

The Four Lessons of Impeachment (Susan E. Rice):

"First, there is now overwhelming testimony and evidence that affirm the deeply troubling revelation" [that--surprise, surprise--DUHnocchio abused his power in order to benefit himself.]

"Second, these hearings have amply [and eventually] demonstrated the extraordinary caliber and character of our nonpartisan career Foreign Service officers, civil servants and uniformed military personnel."

"Third, it is now abundantly apparent that most Republicans RepuGNicans in Congress have abandoned all semblance of serving the national interest. Their desperate resort to distortions, discredited conspiracy theories and blatant lies to distract from damning facts that implicate [UNpresident Crook-in-Chief] has replaced any pretense of performing their duties. From attacking the press to smearing witnesses and refusing to engage in congressional oversight responsibilities, the [desperate] Republican RepuGNican Party has [abandoned pretense and] sacrificed its principles and traditions to preserve its political power — at the expense of our country.

Our separation of powers, the guard rail of our Constitution, fails when half the legislative branch abdicates its duty to hold the executive branch accountable. The cost of this failure will endure long beyond this presidency and is already signaling that our democracy is not only diminished but also increasingly dysfunctional."

And last, as Fiona Hill ably testified on 19-11-21, the primary beneficiary of our domestic dysfunction and divisions is President Vladimir Putin of RussiaRepublicans RepuGNicans in Congress are spouting Russian-sponsored conspiracy theories that disparage Ukraine and obscure Russian interference in our democracy. [UNpresident Traitor-in-Chief] consistently takes actions with respect to NATO, Ukraine, Syria and elsewhere that accrue to Russian rather than American interests.

While Americans spew venom [some justifiable, some delusional] at one another, Russia is working overtime to pour salt into our wounds. Using social media every day to inflame distrust, fear and hate, Russia is pitting Americans against one another by fueling extremes on both sides of every divisive issue, whether race, immigration or guns. [As though RepuGNican-voting Americans need encouragement to be racist, xenophobic, or violence-encouraging!]

Mr. Putin seeks to dismantle democracy and destroy America’s standing as a global leader. The only question is whether we will allow him to succeed."

[Actually, I'd say that RepuGNican politicans and their duped/deplorable supporters, in not only permitting, but voting for a transparent CONman to rig the 2016 election, have already tarnished the Greedy Oligarchic Partisanship's reputation irretrievably.]

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