Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Saner in Suburbs

19-11-6 What bad night for Trump means for 2020Off-year state elections in the US can be a mixed bag or harbingers of things to come.

19-11-6 Democrats claim victory in key Virginia and Kentucky elections:

19-11-6 Virginia elects woman who gave president the finger: 

19-11-5 Democrats Win Big in Virginia and Hold Slim Lead in Kentucky Governor’s Election: With backing from Kentucky’s urban centers, the Democratic candidate, Andy Beshear, had an edge over Gov. Matt Bevin, the Republican RepuGNican.

"Democrats won control of both houses of the Virginia legislature for the first time in a generation on 19-11-5 and claimed a narrow victory in the governor’s race in deep-red Kentucky, as Republicans RepuGNicans struggled to overcome UNpresident Crook-in-Chief’s growing unpopularity in suburbs of both states.

In capturing the legislature in Virginia, Democrats now have full control of the state government. That clears the way for Gov. Ralph S. Northam, who was nearly driven from office earlier this year, to pass measures tightening access to guns and raising the minimum wage that have been stymied by legislative Republicans RepuGNicans.

In Kentucky, Gov. Matt Bevin, the [unpopular, sore-loser] RepuGNican candidate, [surprise! surprise] refused to concede the election to his Democratic challenger, Attorney General Andy Beshear. With 100 percent of the precincts counted, Mr. Beshear was ahead by 5,300 votes."
Agent Orange "himself stood alongside Mr. Bevin Monday night in Lexington to argue that, while the combative governor is “a pain in the ass,” his defeat would send “a really bad message” beyond Kentucky’s borders."

Finally, DUHnocchio made an accurate statement. Your boy's defeat does indeed look bad for the worst collection of unpatriotic partisan politicians in many years :D
https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/05/us/politics/ky-va-ms-elections-recap.html .

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