Sunday, November 17, 2019

Obama illustrates one of the problems with America

It's time to move past wussy, excessively-cautious policies, and to recognize that the much vaunted system is not working. That's why Joe's numbers have nowhere to to but down.

Too Far Left? Some Candidates Don’t Buy the Argument: One day after former President Barack Obama cautioned against being out of touch with voters, Democratic candidates said there was a winner among them.
The crowded Democratic field of presidential candidates grappled with President Barack Obama’s advice and legacy on Saturday, the day after the former president sounded an unusual public warning about moving too far left in the primary race.

While none were willing to directly rebuff Mr. Obama, a few candidates offered implicit criticism, saying that Democrats should be careful to steadfastly back the field so that whoever wins the nomination can count on enthusiastic support from all corners of the party.
US election 2020: Democrats respond to Obama's warning .  -----
Win for John Bel Edwards and a Hard Loss for Trump crooked-LIAR-in-Chief: John Bel Edwards of Louisiana, a rare Democratic governor in the South, was re-elected for a second term, beating back a challenger heavily supported by [UNpresident DUHnocchio].

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