Thursday, January 16, 2020

Boringly Mouthy Spoiled Brat

‘The View’ Has a Meghan McCain Problem: The daytime co-hosts’ heated bipartisan debates are played down as disagreement among friends. But the strain for “civility” is tiring.

Some can still bear "to watch McCain, the [mouthy, spoiled brat] daughter of Senator John McCain, square off against her co-hosts in a barrage of vehement exchanges — leveraging her political parentage, accusing her co-hosts of supporting infanticide, using her platform to push back against assault weapons bans and progressive immigration policy. The increasingly aggressive rejoinders by her co-hosts have escalated to the daytime TV equivalent of a cage fight for the viewing public, reflecting the frustrations of discourse in our current political climate under the magnifying glass of harsh studio lighting."

Others, like me, avoid this puerile trash. Still others, like some of my friends, have stopped watching because there is nothing more nauseating than arrogant, self-important, dim-witted RepuGNicanism on display.

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