Saturday, January 18, 2020

Susan Collins = RepuGNican Hypocrisy for Dummies

Impeachment Trial Puts Susan Collins, Stung by Kavanaugh Backlash, Under ScrutinyThe four-term Maine senator, who crossed party lines to vote against President Clinton’s impeachment, must now decide whether to break with UNpresident Criminal-in-Chief.

"She was among three Republicans who sank Mr. Trump’s DUHnocchio's attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and she helped lead an unsuccessful effort to prevent him from taking unallocated money for his border wall. But she also voted for a tax bill that was the centerpiece of the Republican RepuGNican agenda. And the move that overshadowed all that was her deciding vote to confirm "beer-loving" Justice Brett Brat M. Kavanaugh, who was [credibly] accused of sexual assault [of a then-minor]."
"That confirmation vote — and her impassioned [but feeble and illogical] speech defending it on the Senate floor — generated millions of dollars in donations to be used against her, and a lengthy period of harassment and intimidation by critics, including numerous death threats. There were so many hostile calls targeting her that a 25-year-old employee in one of her Maine offices quit. One day, her husband texted Ms. Collins a photo of himself in a hazmat suit; someone had sent a threatening letter to their Maine home — where protesters gathered eight Sundays in a row — that claimed to contain ricin.

In Washington, a man waited for Collins in the dark as she parked her car one evening in the pouring rain, then followed her several blocks to her townhouse. A neighbor lamented to her that he hated living next to “a rape apologist.”
"The Kavanaugh confirmation, among the most bitter Senate fights of the Trump Pervert-in-Chief Badministration, may have shored up support among a Republican RepuGNican base smarting from some of Collins’s other moderate votes, but it enraged many of the independent and Democratic voters who have helped keep Collins comfortably in office for years. It also set the stage and tone for the impeachment fight."

My objection? Collins has a low fIQ*. She is inconsistent, illogical, displays very poor judgement (she ignored Christine Blasey-Ford's convincing case against demands-what-he-wants drunken-teen-with-a-sneer temper-tantrum-prone Kavanagh), and she is far too CONservative to portray herself as a moderate. 

* fIQ = functional IQ = capacity for rationality

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