Monday, January 6, 2020

Cognitively challenged, megalomaniacal bully

Trump Idiot-in-Chief the Intimidator Fails Again: Because he’s just a [dimwitted] bully with delusions of grandeur.

"From his first days in [rigged] office, Trump DUHnocchio has acted on the apparent belief that he could easily intimidate foreign governments — that they would quickly fold and allow themselves to be humiliated. That is, he imagined that he faced a world of Lindsey Grahams, willing to abandon all dignity at the first hint of a challenge."
"Remember, for example, when Trump Bully-in-Chief promised “fire and fury” unless North Korea halted its nuclear weapons program? He claimed triumph after a 2018 summit meeting with Kim Jong-un, North Korea’s leader. But Kim made no real concessions, and North Korea recently announced that it might resume tests of nuclear weapons and long-range missiles.

Or consider the trade war with China, which was supposed to bring the Chinese to their knees. A deal has supposedly been reached, although details remain scarce; what’s clear is that it falls far short of U.S. aims, and that Chinese officials are jubilant about their success in facing Trump Coward-in-Chief down."
"One answer, I suspect, is that like all too many Americans, Trump Megalomaniac-in-Chief has a hard time grasping the fact that other countries are real — that is, that we’re not the only country whose citizens would rather pay a heavy price, in money and even in blood, than make what they see as humiliating concessions."
"But here’s where Trump’s Peabrain-in-Chief's second error comes in: He has never shown any sign of understanding why America used to be special. [He has never shown any sign of understanding anything other than criminal manipulation, actually.]

Part of the explanation, of course, was raw economic and military power: America used to be just much bigger than everyone else. That is, however, no longer true. For example, by some key measures China’s economy is significantly bigger than that of the United States."
"Trump, Ignoramus-in-Chief, however, has turned his back on everything that used to make America great. Under his leadership dicktatorship, we’ve become nothing more than a big, self-interested bully — a bully with delusions of grandeur, who isn’t nearly as tough as he thinks. We abruptly abandon allies like the Kurds; we honor war criminals; we slap punitive tariffs on friendly nations like Canada for no good reason. And, of course, after more than 15,000 lies, nothing our leader demented-manipulator and his minions say can be trusted.

Trump Toadying officials seem taken aback by the uniformly negative consequences of the Suleimani killing: The Iranian regime is empowered, Iraq has turned hostile and nobody has stepped up in our support. But that’s what happens when you betray all your friends and squander all your credibility."

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