Wednesday, February 12, 2020

A Failing Society

India man shot dead 'by daughter's rapist': The father of a 15-year-old Indian rape victim has been shot dead, allegedly by his daughter's rapist. The shooting happened on Monday night. Police told BBC Hindi that the accused is on the run.

The girl's family says he had threatened them and asked them to withdraw the rape case they had lodged against him in August last year. Rape victims in India often accuse police of failing to protect them or their families from reprisals.

The girl's father was taken to hospital after the shooting, but he died the next day. The crime happened in Firozabad district in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh.

"He was constantly threatening us," the girl's uncle said. "One week ago, he threatened my brother, saying if he didn't withdraw the case, he wouldn't be alive. We complained to the police but the police ignored us."

The girl's family also says that the police had taken no action in the rape case. The case was registered months ago under India's stringent child protection laws.

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