Saturday, February 8, 2020

Detoxing the toxic?

Jordan Peterson seeks 'emergency' drug detox treatment in Russia

"Jordan Peterson's family says he has sought "emergency" drug detox treatment in Russia, after several failed attempts to overcome his dependence on a potent anti-anxiety medication.

The controversial [that's putting it politely] University of Toronto psychology professor and internationally famous self-help guru is said to have been in a Moscow hospital for the past month, recovering from both the "incredibly gruelling" treatment and a severe case of pneumonia."
"His family says he had been taking the drug for years to mitigate lingering anxiety following a severe autoimmune reaction to food [an unlikely excuse]. His dependence reportedly started last spring after doctors increased his dosage to help him cope with stress as his wife Tammy battled kidney cancer." [Painful, but thousands upon thousands who don't promote themselves as "self-help gurus" cope with stress and loss without becoming hopelessly addicted to benzodiazepines.]
Russia, eh? Now why would Peterson leave a decent healthcare system to seek help in Russia of all places? Russia, haven of fleeing Puppet Presidents, enemies of the CIA, and criminals. Did he flee to Russia because of their vast experience of treating alcoholics, perhaps? Far enough from the Western press, perhaps? If so, why seek sympathy through the CBC?

Regardless, what kind of self-help-guru psychologist worth heeding needs long-term anxiolytics, not to mention becoming dangerously addicted?

I'm aware that a certain type of young male finds Peterson's self-aggrandizing, misogyny-in-disguise, transphobia-in-disguise blather emotionally appealing. I'm also aware that the inadequately-educated regard his slippery verbal gymnastics convincing. However, it is a great shame that UofT was conned.

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