Monday, February 3, 2020

Greedy Oligarchic Partisans approaching Rock Bottom

How Zombies Ate the G.O.P.’s Soul: Everyone with principles has left the party.

Everyone in Washington [and around much of the educated segments of the world] understands perfectly well that Donald Trump Crook-in-Chief abused the powers of his office in an attempt to rig this year’s UNpresidential election. But Senate Republicans RepuGNicans are nonetheless about to acquit him without even pretending to look at the evidence, thereby encouraging further abuses of power [the GOP's specialty].

But how did we get to this point? Part of the answer is extreme partisanship and right-wing wrong-wing political correctness (which is far more virulent than anything on the left). But I also blame the zombies.

A zombie idea is a belief or doctrine that has repeatedly been proved false, but refuses to die; instead, it just keeps shambling along, eating [what pass for] people’s brains. The ultimate zombie in American politics is the assertion that tax cuts pay for themselves — a claim that has been proved wrong again and again over the past 40 years. But there are other zombies, like climate change denial, that play an almost equally large role in our political discourse.

And all of the really important zombies these days are on the right wrong. Indeed, they have taken over the RepuGNican Party [aided and abetted, of course, by Americans' peculiar penchant for defiant ignorance].
Voodoo economics has become unchallengeable doctrine within the Republican RepuGNican Party. Even fake moderates like Susan Collins justified their support for the 2017 Trump tax cut by claiming that it would reduce the budget deficit. Predictably, the deficit actually exploded, and now exceeds $1 trillion a year.

The politics of climate change have followed a similar trajectory. Global temperature keeps setting records, while climate-related catastrophes like the Australian wildfires are proliferating. Yet a majority of RepuGNicans in Congress are climate deniers — many of them buying into the notion that climate change is a hoax perpetrated by a vast international scientific conspiracy — and even those, like Marco Rubio, who grudgingly admit that global warming is real oppose any significant action to limit emissions.
It’s important to realize that the zombification of the G.O.P. isn’t a recent phenomenon, something that happened only with Trump’s DUHnocchio's election rigging into office. On the contrary, zombies have been eating RepuGNican brains for decades. Voodoo economics had completely taken over the party by the early 2000s, when then-House majority leader Tom DeLay declared, “Nothing is more important in the face of war than cutting taxes.” Climate deniers have ruled since at least 2009, when only eight House Republicans supported a bill to limit greenhouse gas emissions.

What recent events make clear, however, is that zombie ideas haven’t eaten just RepuGNicans’ brains. They have also eaten the party’s soul. [And, though it is not politically correct to point out this lamentable fact, zombie LIES have eaten out the brains of the Make A-holery Grate Again nincompoops who eschew facts in favor of baseless, ill-informed, obdurately-emotional opinion.] .

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