Saturday, June 6, 2020

"Mad as hell", but not necessarily violent

"But first, get up out of your chairs, open the window, stick your head out, and yell, and say it: ‘I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not gonna take this anymore!’"
Protests aren't what they look like on TV - Vox > .
[Criminal wanna-be-looters and violent malcontents are piggy-backing on justified peaceful protest.]

However, to my mind, America's problems are much deeper than endemic racism and yet-another tragic race-inspired murder by thugs-in-blue. 

The problems extend deep into:
  • American greed and political corruption (embodied in stupid, divisive Agent Orange, installed in undeserved office despite losing the popular vote).
  • Unfettered access to guns, particularly semi-automatic mass-murder devices.
  • The CONservative-weighted American "justice" system, and 
  • The unjustified hubris of white CONservative Americans, who self-importantly imagine that being an uneducated, anti-government, anti-science, Buy Bull waving, hypocritical-religionist-privilege-demanding, bigoted, racist, xenophobic, white American malcontent somehow confers superiority simply because they happened to be born in the worst society in the developed (read, 'rich, militarily powerful') world.
In America, "Justice System" is truly an oxymoron when cops continue to evade justice by wailing "I was scared for my life (even though my victim was unarmed)!" The victims of police paranoia include a white Australian woman, but more often are targeted because of melanin or an unacceptably "alien" accent.

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