Saturday, June 27, 2020

"Stunning Fragility" & Vindictive Political Correctness

2016 Jonathan Haidt on Social Just-Us Wankers and the New Pro-Victim Morality > .
2019 Jonathan Haidt: 3 Terrible Ideas Weakening Gen Z, Damaging Universities and Democracies > .

Where DUH = dangerous, counterfactual idea:
DUH 1: What doesn't kill you, makes you weaker. [religionism ~ you cannot cope/find meaning/achieve moral rectitude without devotion to Jebus/Gawd.]
DUH 2: Always trust your feelings. [religionism ~ ignore the evidence, belief, particularly fervent belief, guarantees salvation]
DUH 3: Life is a battle between good people and evil people. [religionism, period = mistakes, personal bad behavior are attributable to possession by Satan.]

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