Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Too thick to realize that the dead don't vote?

The question refers, of course, to Idiot-in-Chief, who is planning ego-boosting rallies despite the risk of spreading SARS-CoV-2 among those deluded enough to support him ... and, even worse, among those who would neither attend one of his me-me-me rallies or vote for the worst UNpresident in US history.

A Plague of Willful Ignorance: [Ignoramus-in-Chief] has empowered America’s anti-rational streak.

"The moral of this story is that America’s uniquely poor response to the coronavirus isn’t just the result of [beyond] bad leadership at the top — although tens of thousands of lives would have been saved if we had a president who would deal with problems instead of trying to wish them away.

We’re also doing badly because [as Asimov said] there’s a longstanding anti-science, anti-expertise streak in American culture — the same streak that makes us uniquely unwilling to accept the reality of evolution or acknowledge the threat of climate change.

We aren’t a nation of know-nothings; many, probably most Americans are willing to listen to experts and act responsibly. But there’s a belligerent faction within our society that refuses to acknowledge inconvenient or uncomfortable facts, preferring to believe that experts are somehow conspiring against them.

DUHnocchio hasn’t just failed to rise to the policy challenge posed by COVID-19. He has, with his words and actions — notably his refusal to wear a mask — encouraged and empowered America’s anti-rational streak. [Because only those devoid of rationality would vote for him.]

And this rejection of expertise, science and responsibility in general is killing us." [Stupidity is dangerous, alas.]

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