Saturday, November 14, 2020

Deplorable authoritarians en masse

[Content modified for accuracy] Million Make America Ghastlier Again March: Protesters gather for pro-Putin's-Puppet rallies:

Supporters of UNpresident Criminal-in-Cheat are taking part in rallies in Washington DC to back his unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud in the US election. Far-right Far-wrong and anti-government groups including the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and QAnon have indicated they will attend, amid heightened tensions over the election result. Protesters swarmed the UNpresidential motorcade as CON-in-Cheat drove past on his way to his golf course earlier.

Joe Biden won the 3 November election. On Saturday, he solidified his victory with a projected win in the state of Georgia - making him the first Democratic candidate to take the state since 1992. He now has 306 votes in the electoral college - the system the US uses to choose its president - which far exceeds the 270 threshold to win.

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